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RE: [cosmos-dev] COSMOS 1.0 SDD installer requirements - from Jimmy Mohsin

Hi Jimmy,


Thanks for putting this out as a starting point.  I think 1, 2 and 3 can be covered.  A roll back or "undo" operation in SDD terms will be supported in the runtime but I'm not confident it will be in place in time to support the installation of COSMOS.


The issues you note warrant further discussion so I will be sure to cover those in the SDD call.  My initial take is that the licensing issue will vary depending upon the component we're installing.  In some cases all that we will need to do is to copy a eula to the target and in other cases if we have to display a click-through license we will need a way to surface that through our UI.  As we start to catalog the various pre-reqs we are installing we will need to evaluate license acknowledgement for each. 


I'm not sure I understand your second point so can you clarify what you mean by numerous downloads?  Are you thinking that the SDD runtime will perform gets to download files from other sites?  I was thinking we would actually bundle the pre-reqs we need (if allowed) with COSMOS.  For those we can't bundle we would interrogate the target system and if not found then point the user off to the site hosting that component for download.  My hope is that most of our pre-reqs fall into the former category and that we are able to simply bundle them with our package.


As for how to proceed, I do think an informal requirements gathering meeting will be necessary in order to craft the SDD for COSMOS.  I will set that up for sometime early to mid next week.





From: cosmos-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:cosmos-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Mohsin, Jimmy
Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2008 10:01 AM
To: Cosmos Dev
Subject: [cosmos-dev] COSMOS 1.0 SDD installer requirements - from Jimmy Mohsin


Jason / Eric,


My $.02 in regards to the SDD installer for COSMOS 1.0

1.    Installer should make pre-req install automagic.

2.    Installer should ensure that all software is installed in the right sequence.

3.    Installer should ensure that compatible versions of all software are used.  Please note that we will need to identify the series of compatible version, e.g. based on version number and Milestone-based.  Also, we cannot address EVERY possible permutation and combination of compatible version; we will need to address just a few realistic combinations.

4.    Installer should allow roll-back to older version of pre-req software if client wishes to do so (I know this may be tough)



1.    The licensing considerations; given that a LOT of software will come from various sources.

2.    How will the NUMEROUS downloads work as part of a complete COSMOS deployment?



How do you see this proceed?  Do you envision some sort of a semi-formal requirements definition meeting at some point?



Jimmy Mohsin

Cell   +1-609-635-1703


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