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Re: [cosmos-dev] 3/26/08 Architecture meeting minutes posted - pleasereview

David and Paul,

I thought we could discuss this on the Community Call rather than scheduling a separate meeting; however, since all of the necessary parties will not be in attendance we can schedule a separate meeting.  How about for tomorrow morning?


    Tania N. Makins, PMPĀ®
    Project Manager, AC Open Source Components
    IBM Software Group - RTP, NC
    Office: (919) 254-8430  T/L: 444-8430

David Whiteman <gopack91@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: cosmos-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

03/27/2008 07:00 AM

Please respond to
Cosmos Dev <cosmos-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Cosmos Dev <cosmos-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: [cosmos-dev] 3/26/08 Architecture meeting minutes posted        -        pleasereview

Stratton, Paul wrote:
> Hi David, The agenda for this weeks Community call includes discussion
> of i10 enhancements that were also discussed in the Architecture call
> yesterday.
>     * Prioritization of i10 enhancements requiring additional resources:
> I had thought that he next step here was for Hubert and Sheldon to put
> together sizing and planning for these so that tasks could be
> prioritized and allocated in a supplementary meeting later this
> week/early next.
I had originally thought we would have an extra meeting, but the
community call is normally an ideal time for this sort of discussion,
given that it's on-topic and usually all teams are represented.  I know
Sheldon has put together his list already, and if I had the link handy
here at home, I'd go ahead and link it to the agenda.  I don't know if
Hubert has had time to break down the tasks yet for his work items,
since he had said yesterday that he'd need a couple of days to do it.

I'll leave it for Tania to decide whether we can discuss anything on
that topic without the CA Dev team on the call.  Maybe there's at least
some high level discussion that can happen - does "CA Dev team" include
Jimmy and Domenica?

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