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FW: [cosmos-dev] RE: CMDBf registration questions



        FYI: the COSMOS “hybrid” registration approach that you mentioned on today’s call was previously discussed in this thread.





From: cosmos-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:cosmos-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Muldoon, William H
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2008 1:31 PM
To: Cosmos Dev
Subject: FW: [cosmos-dev] RE: CMDBf registration questions


FYI: Forwarding from Mark J.


From: Mark Johnson [mailto:mwj@xxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2008 1:20 PM
To: Muldoon, William H
Cc: Ali Mehregani; Feldman, Andrew A; Jacob Eisinger; Mohsin, Jimmy; Waschke, Marvin G; Troy Volin
Subject: RE: [cosmos-dev] RE: CMDBf registration questions



(Feel free to forward on to cosmos-dev)

Marv and I had a side exchange and I'd like to sum up what is required by an implementation of the spec. The CMDBf spec is intended to be useful across a range of configurations, so I'm attempting to avoid too many subjective statements.

  • The expected behavior defined in the spec (lines 1531-1536)  is that once an MDR has registered data using a given mdrInstanceId, it is expected to maintain that data using the same instance ID, including deregistering the ID if it is no longer valid. If it cannot do that, and wishes only to have its data available for query, it should not use the registration service.
  • The MDR must not make any assumptions about whether data it sends with a new instance ID reconciles to any data it sent previously. This is because the registration service may not even have a reconciliation function, or it might be configured to not perform reconciliation on certain types of data, or perhaps the data itself has changed enough that the results of a reconciliation algorithm yield different results, or any other reason.
  • The freshness of the data in the Federated CMDB depends on the capabilities of the F-CMDB and MDR implementations and how they are configured. This applies to both push and pull mode, though an MDR that pushes data is better positioned to initiate an update immediately rather than a F-CMDB that periodically polls for changes.
  • Note that it is perfectly acceptable for a registration client to periodically reregister all the data that has been previously registered. If nothing has changed,  including potentially even the <recordMetadata>/<lastModified> element, and the F-CMDB has not been corrupted, the registrations would be treated as updates, which in this case don't change anything.


Mark W Johnson
Tivoli Advanced Technology
CMDB Federation standard; ARM standard
512-838-0496 (office)
512-699-9105 (cell)
Mark Johnson/Austin/IBM

"Muldoon, William H" <William.Muldoon@xxxxxx>

02/07/2008 09:59


"Waschke, Marvin G" <Marvin.Waschke@xxxxxx>, Mark Johnson/Austin/IBM@IBMUS


"Ali Mehregani" <amehrega@xxxxxxxxxx>, "Feldman, Andrew A" <Andrew.Feldman@xxxxxx>, "Cosmos Dev" <cosmos-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>, Jacob Eisinger/Austin/IBM@IBMUS, "Mohsin, Jimmy" <Jimmy.Mohsin@xxxxxx>, Troy Volin/Durham/IBM@IBMUS


RE: [cosmos-dev] RE: CMDBf registration questions




Hi Marv and Mark J
            Thank you both for your quick responses!
Mark W & Cosmonauts
            Given the range of behavior from “crappy” MDRs to intelligent MDRs, I think we should strive to produce MDRs that are on the more intelligent end of the scale, correct? I propose the following approach:
1.        In the i9 iteration, we continue with 214672 as designed, resulting in an MDR that does not maintain the integrity of the registration.
2.        In the i10 iteration, we implement a COSMOS specific MDR interface that enables COSMOS MDRs to maintain the integrity of the registration. This interface will be used by the COSMOS UI to update the internal registration table of the COSMOS MDR. The “helper plumbing” will facilitate this feature. In addition the COSMOS UI should issue a warning to the user if the new interface is not supported.
As a result, COSMOS MDRs will work well with the COSMOS UI registration feature but non-COSMOS MDRs will receive warnings when used with the COSMOS UI registration feature.
In the future when the CMDBf spec supports notifications, we can deprecate the COSMOS specific interface and use the future COSMOS Event Broker to support the CMDBf notifications to maintain registration integrity.


From: Waschke, Marvin G
Wednesday, February 06, 2008 6:34 PM
Mark Johnson
Ali Mehregani; Feldman, Andrew A; Cosmos Dev; Jacob Eisinger; Mohsin, Jimmy; Troy Volin; Muldoon, William H
RE: [cosmos-dev] RE: CMDBf registration questions

Comment below.
Marvin Waschke
Senior Technology Strategist
Service Management
Tel:      +1 360 383 9022
Mobile: +1 425 269 5592
Blog: Iterating on IT Service


From: Mark Johnson [mailto:mwj@xxxxxxxxxx]
Wednesday, February 06, 2008 1:58 PM
Waschke, Marvin G
Ali Mehregani; Feldman, Andrew A; Cosmos Dev; Jacob Eisinger; Mohsin, Jimmy; Troy Volin; Muldoon, William H
RE: [cosmos-dev] RE: CMDBf registration questions


Marv, et. al.,
See responses embedd using
<mwj> this style. </mwj>


Mark W Johnson
Tivoli Advanced Technology
CMDB Federation standard; ARM standard
512-838-0496 (office)
512-699-9105 (cell)
Mark Johnson/Austin/IBM

"Waschke, Marvin G" <Marvin.Waschke@xxxxxx>

02/06/2008 15:19



"Muldoon, William H" <William.Muldoon@xxxxxx>, "Cosmos Dev" <cosmos-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>


Mark Johnson/Austin/IBM@IBMUS, Troy Volin/Durham/IBM@IBMUS, "Ali Mehregani" <amehrega@xxxxxxxxxx>, Jacob Eisinger/Austin/IBM@IBMUS, "Feldman, Andrew A" <Andrew.Feldman@xxxxxx>, "Mohsin, Jimmy" <Jimmy.Mohsin@xxxxxx>


RE: [cosmos-dev] RE: CMDBf registration questions





I will probably confuse things by asking more questions than providing answers.

First, I think it is possible, although probably not desirable, to maintain a push mode federation without the MDR ever getting any feedback from the federating CMDB. Leaving COSMOS out of the picture for a second, the steps go:

MDR calls the fed-CMDB to register an item with an mdrId of “MDR-A”, instanceId of “1” and one reconciliation property <name>One</name>.
fed-CMDB accepts the registration and returns



3.  MDR throws away the response

At this point the fed-CMDB has a record of an item with name “One” and scoped instance id of “MDR-A 1” With that knowledge, it can (if it wants to and the MDR has a query service) query the MDR for its information on “MDR-A 1”. Alternatively, the fed-CMDB can query for information on items with property “name” equal to “One”. The only requirement on the MDR is that whenever it responds to a query on “MDR-A 1”, it must reply with data on the item it originally registered as “MDR-A 1”.  In other words, the only requirement on the MDR would be to never use “1” as the id for any item but the item named “One”.

The MDR could, if it were sufficiently crappy, simply never use “MDR-A 1” again and not answer queries on “MDR-A 1”. It could, if really crappy, even register the same item with a different id, say “2”. That registration would be something like this:










A sharp fed-CMDB would reply:





>From which we can infer that the fed-CMDB reconciled both registrations as referring to the same item.

<mwj> However, the MDR is obliged to report future state changes to MDR-A:1 as well as MDR-A:2. The MDR must not assume that the F-CMDB reconciles the items together. Whether it does is dependent on the F-CMDB implementation, how it is configured (e.g., local policy *could* state never reconcile anything with record type foo), etc. </mwj>

The point is that MDR-A can be as dumb as a post, paying no attention to what it has done before and still play by the rules. It could, rather than notifying the fed-CMDB every time an item which it has registered has changed, just re-register periodically, not even bothering to use the same instance id. Again, a crappy MDR, but sometimes, an MDR that is no more than a few flat files on somebody’s desktop may be useful.

<mwj> I don't agree. If the F-CMDB returns <accepted>, then the MDR is obliged to maintain the data for the <mdrInstanceId> that it registered. It is not obliged to use the returned CMDB:id. The ability for an MDR to continue using its own IDs removes a potentially show-stopping requirement from the MDR. We expect that MDRs that only use their own IDs will be common when existing products add an MDR layer and don't want to do things like modify their database schema, etc. The CMDB:id is returned because there were requirements from some MDRs to replace their own ID with the official ID from the CMDB. </mwj>

[MW] Why oblige the MDR to maintain the data for the <mdrInstanceId>? I can see recommending that the MDR maintain a unique id and always register a change with that <mdrInstanceId> when the MDR’s data on an item changes, but requiring it? The system will work even if it is not required—the data from a dumb MDR will always be somewhat suspect, but at least it will be there. Data from a push model MDR that has no query service is pretty shaky anyway. What if the MDR has been down for a week? Or just unreachable? Unless you can query the MDR you will never be certain that the registered data is not stale. </MW>

This is not to say that building helpers that keep track of what is registered and help an MDR maintain the integrity of the fed-CMDB would not be useful, only that dumb MDRs would not need them.
I have always thought that responsibility for the integrity of the data falls mainly on the fed-CMDB through query services implemented by the MDRs. For high integrity data, the fed-CMDB should always query the MDR or MDRs when a request for data comes to the fed-CMDB. When a task being performed by the user of the fed-CMDB requires speed at the expense of the risk of stale data, then the fed-CMDB might only return whatever happened last to be registered, and skip the query. There are lots of trade-offs possible, which is a nice part of this architecture.

Mark Johnson—Speak up if I am all wet!

<mwj> OK.   :->  </mwj>

Regards, Marv

Marvin Waschke

Senior Technology Strategist

Service Management

Tel:      +1 360 383 9022

Mobile: +1 425 269 5592

Blog: Iterating on IT


Muldoon, William H
Wednesday, February 06, 2008 11:52 AM
Cosmos Dev
Mark Johnson; Troy Volin; Ali Mehregani; Jacob Eisinger; Waschke, Marvin G
RE: [cosmos-dev] RE: CMDBf registration questions


           The external component that I referred to as COSMOS is the COSMOS UI. So I really did mean to say that the COSMOS UI performs the registration “on behalf” of the MDRs. Refer to the design page at For example, in the first scenario, an administrator is running the COSMOS UI and “right clicks on a federating CMDBf”, selects the “register configuration items” popup menu, selects the MDRs, and clicks register. Thus the registration activity is initiated by the COSMOS UI. It’s NOT initiated by the MDRs. We have this sequence:
      COSMOS UI issues CMDBf queries to obtain CIs from the MDRs.
      COSMOS UI invokes the CMDBf registration interface on the federating CMDBf using the CIs from the previous step.
      COSMOS UI receives the CMDBf registration responses but cannot do anything with it.
      The MDRs are left in the predicament of being unable to maintain the integrity of the registration because they are unaware of the registration in step 2.
           Today’s discussion included a new enhancement to provide some “helper” plumbing to assist developers of COSMOS MDRs to support CMDBf registration. In this case, the registration is initiated by the COSMOS MDR. We have this sequence:

1.        COSMOS MDR invokes the CMDBf registration interface on the federating CMDBf using the COSMOS “helper” plumbing.

2.        COSMOS MDR receives the CMDBf registration response and uses the COSMOS “helper” plumbing to track the registration.

3.        COSMOS MDR detects a change to a registered CI and uses the COSMOS “helper” plumbing to update the registration.

The “helper” plumbing provides an added value in COSMOS for MDR developers. But this is a separate topic than ER 214672.

           As far as 214672 is concerned, let’s see what the CMDBf folks have to say…





cosmos-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:cosmos-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Mark D Weitzel
Wednesday, February 06, 2008 1:21 PM
Muldoon, William H
Mark Johnson; Troy Volin; Ali Mehregani; Jacob Eisinger; Waschke, Marvin G; Cosmos Dev
[cosmos-dev] RE: CMDBf registration questions



I think we went into some good detail on the cosmos call this morning.  I'm copying Mark J. and some other members of his team on this note so that when Ali updates the design page to capture our thoughts, they. can reference this thread.

Where I think COSMOS can help is to establish some of the APIs as part of the programming model, for adapting existing stores of management data to MDRs.  From the perspective of the CMDBf spec people, this could easily be "an implementation detail".  However, as we think about how and where work in the open can provide value, this kind of "registration management" could add significant value.  It feels like plumbing everyone will need to build.  

There might also be something very subtle in your mail below.  When you apply the COSMOS MDR code on top of an existing data store, this IS the MDR.  It is how you do federation.  So COSMOS does not initiate federation "on behalf" of an MDR b/c it IS the MDR.  Part of the "binding" to an existing data store is the "callback" interface that can hook into the pull mode.


Mark Weitzel | STSM | IBM Software Group | Tivoli | Autonomic Computing | (919) 543 0625 | weitzelm@xxxxxxxxxx



RE: CMDBf registration questions




Muldoon, William H


Mark D Weitzel, Ali Mehregani

02/06/08 09:55 AM





"Hubert H Leung", "Sheldon Lee-Loy", "Cosmos Dev", "Waschke, Marvin G"







          I think all of us have the same interpretation of the CMDBf spec. The CMDBf spec defines the push mode, where the MDR initiates the federation and the pull mode, where the CMDBf initiates the federation. In both modes, the initiator is responsible for maintaining the integrity of the registration. In the implementation of the initiator (MDR or CMDBf), it must maintain an internal list of registered items. When any of the registered items in the internal list change state, it is responsible for updating the registration.

The issue is that we are trying to implement a third mode, where an external component (COSMOS) initiates the federation on behalf of an MDR acting in push mode. The problem is that the MDR has no idea that COSMOS initiated the federation and thus cannot update its internal list of registered items.

One solution is that the external component (COSMOS) informs the MDR of the registration so it can update the internal list of registered items and continue with business as usual. Unfortunately there is no such interface for the MDR in the CMDBf spec. This was the point of my original question.

Another solution is for COSMOS to maintain an internal list of registered items, perhaps in a Notification Broker component as you suggested. But today, this component must use polling to determine if any of the registered items change state and a polling solution is not really desirable. A better solution is to use events. But again there is no such event interface for the MDR in the CMDBf spec.

          I’ve included cosmos-dev and Marv for his opinion.





Mark D Weitzel [mailto:weitzelm@xxxxxxxxxx]
Wednesday, February 06, 2008 9:36 AM
Ali Mehregani
Hubert H Leung; Sheldon Lee-Loy; Muldoon, William H
Re: CMDBf registration questions

I also interpret the spec the way Ali has.  I think of CMDBf as a point-to-point protocol.  An MDR knows about a federating CMDB.  The registration API is used for these updates/deregistration.  We should have what we need today based on Ali's work.  Technically, an MDR can, know about more than one, but as Ali points out, there is no broadcast mechanism, so an MDR is always sending one message at a time to a cmdb.  Any discussion of a notification broker should be taken off the table until we get some insight from the CMDBf group.  At a minimum, it's an i10 item, if then.

Lines 1544 - 1549

o        The MDR also uses the Register operation to update registered data. An update may consist of any combination of:

o        Changes to existing data, such as a property value change

o        Registering an additional record type for this item or relationship

o        Deregistering a previously registered record type for this item or relationship

p.s. Is there any reason this thread is not on COSMOS-Dev?

Mark Weitzel | STSM | IBM Software Group | Tivoli | Autonomic Computing | (919) 543 0625 | weitzelm@xxxxxxxxxx





Re: CMDBf registration questions  Link





Ali Mehregani


Sheldon Lee-Loy

02/05/08 05:59 PM






Hubert H Leung, Mark D Weitzel, "Muldoon, William H"






Here's my translation of the section copied from the specification (lines 1531-1536):

When MDR registers item A and A is accepted by the federating CMDB, then it is the responsibility of the MDR to notify the federating CMDB when A changes.  E.g. if A is deleted from the MDR, then it is the responsibility of the MDR to notify the federating CMDB that A has been deleted.

I'm not sure why you're asking how we can update the MDR with the registration IDs.  

There are no plans in i9 for MDRs to broadcast changes to items/relationships that have been registered with a federating CMDB.  This will be enable once we have an implementation of a notification broker.

I'm confused by the second question as well.  I don't think we have the same interpretation of the section that's been copied from the specification.

Ali Mehregani
Phone Number: (905) 413-3712
Service Modeling Language - COSMOS

Sheldon Lee-Loy/Toronto/IBM

05/02/2008 04:44 PM





"Muldoon, William H" <William.Muldoon@xxxxxx>


Mark D Weitzel/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUS, Ali Mehregani/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA, Hubert H Leung/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA


Re: CMDBf registration questionsLink







Hi Bill,

I replied to your questions on the talk page.


Bill pointed out a good point.  

  • In the registration process, how do we update the MDR with the returned CMDBf registration IDs required for subsequent data change updates from the MDR? Refer to the CMDBf spec (lines 1531-1536):

1531  If the return status is accepted, the Registration service returns the ID
1532 that identifies the item or relationship within the Registration service.
1533 For accepted data, the MDR is expected to update the Registration
1534 service whenever any of the registered data changes. The specification
1535 does not stipulate how soon after the data changes the update must
1536 occur – this would typically be determined by local policy.

  • The previous point also applies to the unregistration process: we have no interface to inform the MDR that the items have been deregistered

Do we have the interfaces in place to update the MDRs?


Sheldon Lee-Loy
Tivoli Autonomic Computing, IBM Toronto Lab
email: sleeloy@xxxxxxxxxx
phone: 905.413.2610

"Muldoon, William H" <William.Muldoon@xxxxxx>

02/05/2008 03:13 PM





Sheldon Lee-Loy/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA




CMDBf registration questions








        Please see my comments on the talk page at



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