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RE: [cosmos-dev] Rush Hour Traffic [[DON-->HAS READ THIS YET AGAIN!]]

This issue has certainly gotten a lot of comments so I infer that I may not be the only one who has felt some pain with our volume of email.  I don't particularly care whether we create a new mailing list per project and relegate cosmos-dev to cross project development/architecture/build issues and/or start using cosmos-mgt again, but I do like the idea as a next step in our growth at some point.  If you subscribe to all of them it just becomes an automatic classification mechanism and it also gives each individual the ability to opt out of certain types of communications that are uninteresting.
The tagging initiative is more directly related to my original objective of making it easier to triage my email during busy periods so I can separate urgent matters from those that I can catch up on at my convenience (much like Bjorn's monthly trawl through the mailing list).  The only negative side effect is that we will need to get used to a bit more SHOUTING in the subject lines.

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From: cosmos-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:cosmos-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of David Whiteman
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2008 9:21 AM
To: Cosmos Dev
Subject: RE: [cosmos-dev] Rush Hour Traffic [[DON-->HAS READ THIS AGAIN!]]

I don't remember saying build notices shouldn't be on cosmos-dev.

Re: cosmos-mgmt, I'm not on that list - I thought it was only for subproject leads.  Are you suggesting we all subscribe to it so we can get meeting notices, etc.?


mark wrote on 02/07/2008 08:31:59 AM:

> OK...
> We seem to be coming to the conclusion that we'd like to have multiple mailing
> lists.  I will point out that we do have COSMOS-MGMT list already.
> (
> The one thing that I think we should consider with Ruth's suggestion is that we are
> beginning to combine our meetings so that we are being more effective.  The Arch
> and DC and DV meetings have been combined into a single, albeit longer meeting.  I
> think we'd want to keep those discussions together.  Also, we have not mentioned
> the SDD work yet, which currently is going into the ME project.    
> One of the concerns that I have is I don't want to have the information become to
> "stratified".  It's possible you'd miss something b/c it's on a different list,
> rather than missing something b/c the one list is flooded.  Also, in TPTP, we
> sometimes saw the same message posted to multiple lists.  I think that's something
> we want to avoid as well.
> Given that we have cosmos-mgmt, we can start improving our work now.  I think we
> can all agree to post meeting notices, and other PMC like things on that list.  
> Although I disagree with David--I think build information should be posted on the
> dev list.  We can also agree to start using the caps convention that Don and Ruth
> discuss.  This will help get things in order.  As we go through this exercise,
> we'll be able to determine how to organize the next list that we ask to be created.
> -mw

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