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RE: [cosmos-dev] Rush Hour Traffic [[DON-->HAS READ THIS AGAIN!]]

So just to be sure that I understand what we've agreed on...

cosmos-mgmt: invitations and other PMC-like notices
cosmos-dev: technical discussion, build break notices
newsgroup: no change

Add "FYA" in the tag line to mark something that needs our attention.
Add "ANN" in the tag line to mark something that is an announcement such as an impromptu meeting.
Add "DUE <time>" in the tag line to mark something that needs a response by a certain time, such as a request for input or JUnit test results

And to avoid stratification, for now wait and see if more changes are needed. We can check how this new system is working as part of the i9 postmortem?

Ruth Lee
IBM Toronto Lab
T/L 313-4453

Mark D Weitzel <weitzelm@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: cosmos-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

02/07/2008 08:31 AM

Please respond to
Cosmos Dev <cosmos-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Cosmos Dev <cosmos-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
"Cosmos Dev" <cosmos-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>, cosmos-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
RE: [cosmos-dev] Rush Hour Traffic [[DON-->HAS READ THIS AGAIN!]]


We seem to be coming to the conclusion that we'd like to have multiple mailing lists.  I will point out that we do have COSMOS-MGMT list already.


The one thing that I think we should consider with Ruth's suggestion is that we are beginning to combine our meetings so that we are being more effective.  The Arch and DC and DV meetings have been combined into a single, albeit longer meeting.  I think we'd want to keep those discussions together.  Also, we have not mentioned the SDD work yet, which currently is going into the ME project.    

One of the concerns that I have is I don't want to have the information become to "stratified".  It's possible you'd miss something b/c it's on a different list, rather than missing something b/c the one list is flooded.  Also, in TPTP, we sometimes saw the same message posted to multiple lists.  I think that's something we want to avoid as well.

Given that we have cosmos-mgmt, we can start improving our work now.  I think we can all agree to post meeting notices, and other PMC like things on that list.  Although I disagree with David--I think build information should be posted on the dev list.  We can also agree to start using the caps convention that Don and Ruth discuss.  This will help get things in order.  As we go through this exercise, we'll be able to determine how to organize the next list that we ask to be created.


Mark Weitzel | STSM | IBM Software Group | Tivoli | Autonomic Computing | (919) 543 0625 | weitzelm@xxxxxxxxxx

RE: [cosmos-dev] Rush Hour Traffic [[DON-->HAS READ THIS AGAIN!]]

Ebright, Don to: Cosmos Dev
02/07/08 07:44 AM

Sent by: cosmos-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

Please respond to Cosmos Dev <cosmos-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>



Your proposal sounds great as far as my needs are concerned.  It would make it easier for those of us who are pulled in many directions to avoid neglecting the urgent business of the project during busy periods.  The COSMOS has many full-time people who probably have an easier time keeping up, but reading a lot of email that isn't relevant is still a waste of time that they could use more productively.


I concur with using automation wherever possible.  Establishing separate mailing lists is a nice automated way of tagging everything that would otherwise accumulate in an unorganized way on cosmos-dev with minimum effort.


Your FYA was effective in attracting my attention, and I support using it as a standard way of calling attention to items that require quick action.  I would also find it useful to have standard tags for other urgent items like announcements to impromptu meetings or requests for input to decisions that need to be made quickly.  This would facilitate quick triage of priority emails when it isn't possible to take the time to read them all.



From: cosmos-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:cosmos-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Ruth Lee
Wednesday, February 06, 2008 10:00 PM
Cosmos Dev
RE: [cosmos-dev] Rush Hour Traffic [[DON-->HAS READ THIS]]

 "I've been in meetings all day and now I have 50 unread cosmos-dev emails" moments." ... yes, been there. May I suggest a "FYA" (For Your Action) subject line to mark those items that require action or with a deadline? That's how I tagged the "weekly integration build" announcement identifying the time that code has to be checked in to make the weekly integration build. Not sure if that was sufficient to grab everyone's attention?

FYI, the "tptp-pmc" mailing list was the cross-project mailing list that I was referring to. TPTP didn't post cross-project notes to more than one list because several developers were in more than one project and that meant that, in some cases, people received four copies of the same email. (Would that be considered rush hour traffic?) ;o)

Instead of forcing the COSMOS PMC-like-leaders  to read build break notifications, are you okay with keeping cosmos-dev for cross-project notifications to non-leaders and cosmos-mgmt for notifications to leaders?

I'm not keen on tagging messages with a project name. No reason other than style preference. I like to automate everything I can.

Revised suggestion:

newsgroup: end-user stuff (consistent with other eclipse projects)
cosmos-dev: development items common to all subprojects, such as build break notifications
cosmos-dv: data visualization
cosmos-dc: data collection
cosmos-rm: resource monitoring
cosmos-me: management enablement
cosmos-mgmt: PMC-like notifications

Is that okay?

Ruth Lee
IBM Toronto Lab
T/L 313-4453

"Ebright, Don" <Don.Ebright@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: cosmos-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

02/06/2008 06:01 PM

Please respond to
Cosmos Dev <cosmos-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

"Cosmos Dev" <cosmos-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
RE: [cosmos-dev] Rush Hour Traffic [[DON-->HAS READ THIS]]

I think that the TPTP approach was fairly effective with one mailing list per project and one for the PMC.  This allowed developers to focus on issues relevant to their project (or projects) without reading everything.  Project leads could prioritize reading their own project's list and the PMC list.

I don't know if a NG vs mailing list division would be as useful.  We could probably accomplish more by splitting cosmos-dev by project or just tagging the messages with a project name where relevant and using the cosmos-mgt list for "PMC-like" issues.  Cross-project issues could be identified with all related projects or perhaps a special cross-project tag.  I do think that specifically marking action items or anything with an implied deadline like a meeting invitation would be very helpful in those "I've been in meetings all day and now I have 50 unread cosmos-dev emails" moments.

BTW, the all-caps tagging may be more than was strictly required, but note the quick response to this thread :)


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cosmos-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:cosmos-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Julia McCarthy
Wednesday, February 06, 2008 5:44 PM
Cosmos Dev
Re: [cosmos-dev] Rush Hour Traffic [[DON-->READ THIS]]

I like the one-mailing-list-per-subgroup solution.

Julia McCarthy

Inactive hide details for Ruth Lee <ruthdaly@xxxxxxxxxx>Ruth Lee <ruthdaly@xxxxxxxxxx>

Ruth Lee <ruthdaly@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: cosmos-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

02/06/2008 04:00 PM

Please respond to
Cosmos Dev <cosmos-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>


Cosmos Dev <cosmos-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>



Re: [cosmos-dev] Rush Hour Traffic [[DON-->READ THIS]]

TPTP had a different mailing list per subproject. Developers from that subproject would subscribe to just their subproject's list and also to the common (i.e., common to all subprojects) list. If we use that approach in COSMOS, we'd get something like the following:

Option 1:

newsgroup: end-user stuff (consistent with other eclipse projects)

cosmos-dev: common to all subprojects, such as build break notifications

cosmos-dv: data visualization

cosmos-dc: data collection

cosmos-rm: resource monitoring

cosmos-me: management enablement

BTW, does anyone use the cosmos-mgmt or cosmos-pmc mailing lists?

Option 2:

Alternatively, we could:

- create a separate newsgroup for technical discussions (assuming that we're allowed more than one newsgroup)

- keep the existing newsgroup for end user stuff

- use cosmos-dev for build break notifications, announcements of candidate drivers, and other time-sensitive information.

- use cosmos-mgmt for discussions about suggested change of processes (e.g. the creation of a weekly integration build)



Ruth Lee
IBM Toronto Lab
T/L 313-4453
David Whiteman <David_Whiteman@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: cosmos-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

02/06/2008 03:16 PM

Please respond to
Cosmos Dev <cosmos-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Cosmos Dev <cosmos-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: [cosmos-dev] Rush Hour Traffic [[DON-->READ THIS]]

On other projects, the email lists tend to be for committer & design discussions, and the newsgroups for user questions. Given that we don't have an established user community, the newsgroup has been quiet. We could move some discussion to the newsgroup, but I'm not sure how you would determine which kind of info belongs there vs. the email list, unless it has to do with how time-critical it is. So maybe we do design discussion on the newsgroup and notices that everyone needs to see on the email list? We could also look at creating multiple email lists or using subject line triggers to help categorize the messages if we just stuck with the email list.


Mark wrote on 02/06/2008 03:00:30 PM:

> On the call today, Don indicated that the amount of traffic on the mailing list is
> getting to the point where it's difficult to keep up.
> For a while, we were using the newsgroup as well as this mailing list.  That's
> tapered off, but we could try leveraging the newsgroup instead of the mailing list
> if we think it would help reduce the traffic and make managing the flow if
> information more manageable.
> Just thinking out loud....
> -Mark W._______________________________________________
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