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Re: [cosmos-dev] Rush Hour Traffic [[DON-->READ THIS]]

On other projects, the email lists tend to be for committer & design discussions, and the newsgroups for user questions.  Given that we don't have an established user community, the newsgroup has been quiet.  We could move some discussion to the newsgroup, but I'm not sure how you would determine which kind of info belongs there vs. the email list, unless it has to do with how time-critical it is.  So maybe we do design discussion on the newsgroup and notices that everyone needs to see on the email list?  We could also look at creating multiple email lists or using subject line triggers to help categorize the messages if we just stuck with the email list.


Mark wrote on 02/06/2008 03:00:30 PM:

> On the call today, Don indicated that the amount of traffic on the mailing list is
> getting to the point where it's difficult to keep up.
> For a while, we were using the newsgroup as well as this mailing list.  That's
> tapered off, but we could try leveraging the newsgroup instead of the mailing list
> if we think it would help reduce the traffic and make managing the flow if
> information more manageable.
> Just thinking out loud....
> -Mark W.

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