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Re: [cosmos-dev] FYA: COSMOS weekly integration build

Hi David,

You are correct. I've updated the wiki page to list your clarifications.

The idea is that all committers and non-commmiters check in their code at
least weekly to avoid mass-integration towards the end of the iteration.


Ruth Lee
IBM Toronto Lab
T/L 313-4453

             David Whiteman                                                
   >                                                 To 
             Sent by:                  Cosmos Dev <cosmos-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx> 
             cosmos-dev-bounce                                          cc 
                                       Re: [cosmos-dev] FYA: COSMOS weekly 
             02/04/2008 12:42          integration build                   
             Please respond to                                             
                Cosmos Dev                                                 

Hi Ruth,

I wanted to elaborate on a couple of these for clarity, esp. for the
benefit of those who weren't on the community call.  Please correct me if
I'm misremembering what we decided.

Ruth wrote on 02/04/2008 11:58:12 AM:

> - attach all patches in bugzilla by 4:00 PM on Monday
> - check in all code in CVS by 3:45 PM on Tuesday

The distinction here, I believe, is that the patch attachment is for
non-committers to get their code in vs. the Tuesday deadline for
committers.  One of the problems we had in previous iterations is getting
bulk submissions from non-committers.  It would be nice if we could get at
least weekly contributions from non-committers so there isn't a big
integration pileup at the end of the iteration.

> - run JUnits on the candidate weekly integration build and post results
> 1:00 PM on Wednesday.

I believe we decided for this to be handled per subproject, i.e. the
subproject lead would be responsible for ensuring JUnits were run, and
would respond back to the list with a "go" or "no go" reply for that
subproject.  The note on the wiki page about TPTP JUnits is just to
indicate that subprojects can run standalone JUnits and not worry about
checking in the results files, and this would be the case up until we have
the build automatically running JUnits for us.

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