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RE: [cosmos-dev] RE: 216387 - Broker and domain on different machines

It’s surprising to see a huge thread happening without involving the cosmos community.


My questions:


I want to understand why this is not a valid scenario for iteration 8. does not indicate that the domain and the broker will have to be on same machines and that the domain supports only one broker. If there is any other wiki page that talks of these limitations please point me to them.


As Sheldon pointed (and I have placed my comment on the ER) I had modified the contents of the web.xml file to reflect the remote domain. When I executed the register command, I got a positive reply about the registration. However the domain could not list the registered remote broker. So, if there is no way by which this remote setup can be handled, then there should have been an error message thrown while executing the register command. Probably I see that there is no need for a domain configuration in the web.xml file. If the client application and tomcat are on the same machine and the tomcat houses both the domain and broker, is there not a smart way to pick the computer name or IP address rather than expose a web.xml file to the user?


Cosmo’s architecture of single domain makes sense but not single broker for i8 or for 1.0 release.

Team Lead
India Technology Center
"If bugs were people then you would be China"

From: cosmos-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:cosmos-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Mark D Weitzel
Sent: Friday, 25 January 2008 12:58 AM
To: cosmos-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: Mohsin, Jimmy; Muldoon, William H; Ali Mehregani; Devine, John T; William.Muldoon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [cosmos-dev] RE: 216387 - Broker and domain on different machines


Several questions.

Is there a reason that this information was not posted on cosmos-dev?  I think we need to make sure that we are being as transparent as possible.  For example, Shivvy is not on this note chain and she's got some good info and would benefit from this set of mail.

That said....

From the standpoint of COSMOS, the domain is the enrty point.  Going to Jimmy's scenario:
>>I have a FUNDAMENTAL question about this defect… Is this even a valid deployment of COSMOS?  If I understand Shivvy right, she was running TWO different instances of COSMOS… In that case, HOW would instance #1 Management Domain even know about the instance #2 Broker?  Or do we have some sort of an overarching EPR management or registration that can cross instances???? <<

This is an invalid scenario for for i8.  For 1.0, the domain has only one broker.  

Continuing on...  
>>OK cool.. I guess I learnt something new… In this case, if we have multiple instances of COSMOS running EACH having the Domain / Broker, what do we do to ensure that only ONE Domain functions and only ONE Broker function?
I'm not sure if we have anything in place today to handle this specific scenario.

>>Additionally, in this scenario, who manages the EPRs?  The client?  And since we have multiple EPRs for a single component (e.g. we have multiple Brokers), how does the client know which EPR to use?
In order to keep this simple, for 1.0, we said a single instance of the client (or MDR, Broker, et) knows about a single domain.  


Mark Weitzel | STSM | IBM Software Group | Tivoli | Autonomic Computing | (919) 543 0625 | weitzelm@xxxxxxxxxx

RE: 216387 - Broker and domain on different machines


Sheldon Lee-Loy


Mohsin, Jimmy

01/24/08 01:17 PM



Ali Mehregani, Hubert H Leung, "Devine, John T", Mark D Weitzel, "Muldoon, William H"





The COSMOS UI client has a configuration option in the web.xml that the deployer would modify to point to a specific management domain.


Sheldon Lee-Loy
Tivoli Autonomic Computing, IBM Toronto Lab
email: sleeloy@xxxxxxxxxx
phone: 905.413.2610

"Mohsin, Jimmy" <Jimmy.Mohsin@xxxxxx>

24/01/2008 01:15 PM



"Muldoon, William H" <William.Muldoon@xxxxxx>, "Mark D Weitzel" <weitzelm@xxxxxxxxxx>


Hubert H Leung/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA, Sheldon Lee-Loy/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA, "Devine, John T" <John.Devine@xxxxxx>, Ali Mehregani/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA


RE: 216387 - Broker and domain on different machines





OK … so my questions stand….


Any comments??  Is this even a viable test? If yes, how does the client determine which instance of the Domain / Broker to use?


Jimmy Mohsin

Muldoon, William H
Thursday, January 24, 2008 1:12 PM
Muldoon, William H; Mohsin, Jimmy; 'Mark D Weitzel'
'Hubert H Leung'; 'sleeloy@xxxxxxxxxx'; Devine, John T; 'Ali Mehregani'
RE: 216387 - Broker and domain on different machines


           I stand corrected; the domain and broker are packaged together. So as you stated, there are two sets of domain-broker pairs, one on each machine.





Muldoon, William H
Thursday, January 24, 2008 11:42 AM
Mohsin, Jimmy; 'Mark D Weitzel'
'Hubert H Leung'; 'sleeloy@xxxxxxxxxx'; Devine, John T; 'Ali Mehregani'
RE: 216387 - Broker and domain on different machines


           My interpretation of the setup is that Shivy deployed a single domain in tomcat on machine 1 and a single broker in tomcat on machine 2. We can confirm this configuration when she sends the registry (or just ask her).

The client can be deployed anywhere but it only knows the EPR of the domain on machine 1.





Mohsin, Jimmy
Thursday, January 24, 2008 11:34 AM
Muldoon, William H; 'Mark D Weitzel'
'Hubert H Leung'; 'sleeloy@xxxxxxxxxx'; Devine, John T; 'Ali Mehregani'
RE: 216387 - Broker and domain on different machines

cool.. I guess I learnt something new… In this case, if we have multiple instances of COSMOS running EACH having the Domain / Broker, what do we do to ensure that only ONE Domain functions and only ONE Broker function?

Additionally, in this scenario, who manages the EPRs?  The client?  And since we have multiple EPRs for a single component (e.g. we have multiple Brokers), how does the client know which EPR to use?


Jimmy Mohsin

Muldoon, William H
Thursday, January 24, 2008 11:29 AM
Mohsin, Jimmy; 'Mark D Weitzel'
'Hubert H Leung'; 'sleeloy@xxxxxxxxxx'; Devine, John T; 'Ali Mehregani'
RE: 216387 - Broker and domain on different machines


           Yes I think it’s valid because any COSMOS component (domain, broker, data managers, UI) may be deployed on any node in the network. The domain knows the EPR of the broker because Shivy specified the domain EPR in step 3:

3. client app on machine 2; broker register command executed with domain EPR

reflecting machine 1
; Broker registered successfully message displayed




Mohsin, Jimmy
Thursday, January 24, 2008 11:20 AM
Mark D Weitzel
Hubert H Leung; 'sleeloy@xxxxxxxxxx'; Devine, John T; Ali Mehregani; Muldoon, William H
216387 - Broker and domain on different machines


I have a FUNDAMENTAL question about this defect… Is this even a valid deployment of COSMOS?  If I understand Shivvy right, she was running TWO different instances of COSMOS… In that case, HOW would instance #1 Management Domain even know about the instance #2 Broker?  Or do we have some sort of an overarching EPR management or registration that can cross instances????


Jimmy Mohsin


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