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[cosmos-dev] Re: Request for approval for defect 216014

I would like to request that the following defect be considered for PMC
approval for COSMOS 1.0 i8

216014 Properties view shows the wrong information.

1. Explain why you believe this is a stop-ship defect. How does the defect
manifest itself, and how will users of COSMOS/ consuming products be
affected if the defect is not fixed?
- The properties view shows hard coded sample data.  The properties view
should show properties of the resource selected in the navigation tree or
details view.

2. Is there a work-around? If so, why do you believe the work-around is
- No.

3. Is this a regression or API breakage? Explain.
- This is a regression.  Changes to the underlying UI and Data collection
framework caused this regression problem.

4. Does this require new API?
- No.

5. Who performed the code review?

6. Is there a test case attached to the bugzilla record?
- No.  This behavior is covered under the end to end manual test.  Junit
tests will be created.

7. What is the risk associated with this fix?
- Medium. This fix touches several files

8. Is this fix related to any standards that COSMOS adheres to? If so, who
has validated that the fix continues to adhere


Sheldon Lee-Loy

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