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FW: [cosmos-dev] QA status on the 20th Jan 08 build



From: Doma, Srinivas Reddy
Sent: Monday, 21 January 2008 7:06 PM
To: Cosmos Dev; Adivishnu, Kishore
Cc: N, Shivashankari; Hayes, Ian; Mohsin, Jimmy
Subject: RE: [cosmos-dev] FINAL COSMOS i8 build available for QA


Hi All,


I have completed following tests on cosmos i8 latest build (cosmos-demo-incubation-COSMOS-1.0.0-200801201740) as per

instructions given on wiki –


Windows XP SP2



1)       Starting the Management Domain and Broker

         No issues found, everything is working fine


2)       Register Broker with Management Domain

         No issues found, everything is working fine


3)       Starting Data Managers

         No issues found, all 4 data managers are up and running


4)       Executing CMDBf Queries

         No issues found, all example queries have been executed fine


5)       Invoking services of Data Managers

                                                               i.      Collect log events from the logging data manger

-          Found an issue with the following query


   COSMOS> logging getDatasets




COSMOS> logging getAllCBE access_log.cbe.xml

Request failed.

No CBEs were returned.


COSMOS> logging getCBECountBySeverity access_log.cbe.xml

Testing getCBECountBySeverity()

Component Network Device

Severe 2

Warning 25

InfoCount 159


Component Apache HTTP Server

Severe 2

Warning 25

InfoCount 159


                                                             ii.      Collect webserver performance data from the statistical data manager

-          No issues, able to fetch sample performance data properly


                                                            iii.      Using the COSMOS Web User Interface

-          User interface is not showing any data under CBE Data Manager

-          CMDBf query UI is saving last executed query data, need to cleanup everytime to execute new query

-          Statistical Report Generation has some issues it’s trying to generate report only from localhost.

Works fine only on the host where tomcat server is running, cannot run from remote machine.


Linux 5.5



1)       Starting the Management Domain and Broker

         No issues found, everything is working fine


2)       Register Broker with Management Domain

         No issues found, everything is working fine


3)       Starting Data Managers

         Found some issues with CBE Data Manager, only 3 data managers are up and running /root/cosmos/cosmos-demo/DataManagers/file:/root/cosmos/cosmos-demo/DataManagers/plugins/org.eclipse.cosmos.dc.mgmt.wsdm_1.0.0.v200801181306.jar!/../log/muse.log (No such file or directory)


4)       Executing CMDBf Queries

         No issues found, all example queries are working fine


5)       Invoking services of Data Managers

                                                               i.      Collect log events from the logging data manger

-          Not tested, as CBE Data Manger is not up and running


                                                             ii.      Collect webserver performance data from the statistical data manager

-          No issues, able to fetch sample performance data


                                                            iii.      Using the COSMOS Web User Interface

-          User interface is not showing any data under CBE Data Manager (CBE is not up)

-          CMDBf Submit query UI is saving last executed query data, need to cleanup everytime to execute new query

-          Statistical Report Generation has some issues, it’s always reference to localhost and failing to generate report

Works fine only on the host where tomcat server is running, cannot run from remote machine.


The report file : D:\cosmos\i8\apache-tomcat-5.5.25\webapps\COSMOSReportViewer\root\cosmos\apache-tomcat-   5.5.25\webapps\COSMOSUI\templates\StatReport.rptdesign does not exist or contains errors. The report file : D:\cosmos\i8\apache-tomcat- 5.5.25\webapps\COSMOSReportViewer\root\cosmos\apache-tomcat-5.5.25\webapps\COSMOSUI\templates\StatReport.rptdesign does not exist or contains errors.



JUnits Execution for i8 ER’s – work in progress.





From: cosmos-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:cosmos-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Jimmy Mohsin
Sent: Monday, 21 January 2008 5:17 AM
To: Cosmos Dev; Adivishnu, Kishore
Cc: N, Shivashankari; Hayes, Ian
Subject: [cosmos-dev] FINAL COSMOS i8 build available for QA
Importance: High



Hi Kishore,


1. The i8 final build is now available, per the email below from Hubert Leung.


2. Please use this build for the i8 end-to-end testing; instructions for this are available at


3. If you need anything in regards to completing the i8 testing, please advise ASAP.


Jimmy Mohsin

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [cosmos-dev] COSMOS i8 test driver: COSMOS-1.0.0-200801201740
From: Hubert H Leung <hkyleung@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, January 20, 2008 6:06 pm
To: cosmos-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx

Please use this build to do testing:

Build ID: COSMOS-1.0.0-200801201740

End-to-end Install guide:

Hubert Leung
IBM Toro nto Lab

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