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[cosmos-dev] Security roadmap for COSMOS



This is in reference to ER 209337, which is the scoping ER, as stated in its Summary field.  The Security lifecycle, at least in my feeble mind, is broken up into three phases as articulated below.


1.    Phase 1 of Security: Complete the SCOPING of COSMOS 1.0 Security by Jan 25 (i8).

2.    Phase 2 of Security will be determining a technical approach.  Phase 2 of Security is an i9 deliverable.  This will include technical choices in regards to Authentication / Encryption-while-data-is-in-flight / RUDIMENTARY (read MDR-level) Authorization with user and admin roles.  Please do not say that COSMOS needs to provide field level Security within an MDR J J J; this is an exercise for the user…

3.    Phase 3 of Security will be a REFERENCE implementation subject to the scope defined in Phase 1 and the technical choices made in Phase 2.  I see this as an i10 deliverable.


To close off, I will spawn the ERs for Phase 2 and Phase 3 of Security… So here is the Security roadmap:

Security Phase 1 SCOPING / USE CASES à i8 – January 25, 2008

Security Phase 2 TECHNICAL APPROACH CHOSEN à i9 – March 7, 2008

Security Phase 3 REFERENCE IMPLEMENTATION DONE à i10 – May 2, 2008


The upshot: We will NOT have ANY Security reference implementation to show in EclipseCon… IS THAT OK?


In closing, today in the 10AM call, we need to close off on the scope of Security and review / approve the Security Use Cases



Jimmy Mohsin

Cell   +1-609-635-1703


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