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[cosmos-dev] QA activities

Title: QA activities

Just to remind the community of what we are targeting as i8 activities are 3 chunks of QA work

1.      Installing the i8 build and executing test steps as given on wiki on 3 platforms (Win XP, Win 2003 and Linux)

2.      Validating 16 fixed ERs

3.      Running the available Junits.

Current status / test summary on e2e -

cosmos-demo-incubation-COSMOS-1.0.0-200801142344 build was picked on Windows XP SP2 for limited E2E testing as documented on wiki page: and there were no visible errors.

Exact steps of test execution -

1.      Downloaded file and extracted the following files

-       cosmos-demo

-       cosmos-demo\bin (contains initialization and utility routines for domain/broker EPRs)

-       cosmos-demo\cosmos-client (contains script for  OSGi command line interface, to register broker and execute CMDBf queries)

-       cosmos-demo\DataManagers (contains script for automatic registration of SMLMDR and Example MDR EPRs with Data Broker)

-       cosmos-demo\WebApps (contains cosmos folder for tomcat webapps)

2.      Copied above cosmos folder onto tomcat webapps folder (Tomcat 5.5.25)

3.      Ran initial configuration setup files as given under cosmos-demo\bin folder (configDemo.bat)

4.      Brought up tomcat web server up and running

5.      Registered Broker with Management Domain (domainEPR.bat, brokerEPR.bat from cosmos-demo\bin)

6.      Then ran cosmos command line client, started broker by providing domain EPR

7.      Finally registered DataManagers (smlmdr and ExampleMdr) with the Broker by running setup.bat from cosmos-demo\DataManagers

8.      Now, everything is up and running and executed SMLMDR, ExampleMDR CMDBf queries.

Note: UI testing was not performed, as there is no COSMOSUI war file available with this build.



Team Lead

India Technology Center

"If bugs were people then you would be China"

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