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[cosmos-dev] Core issue from the DC call today



In light of our iteration 8 closure travails and the ensuing discussion today, remember that I stated that perhaps we could somehow use the Dependency / Blocks fields from Bugzilla to help us track complex ERs better…


From the purview of this communication, a standalone ER is one that does not depend on any ER(s) and does not block other ER(s)..  A complex ER is one that has dependencies or blocks (or worse, BOTH J)….


Jack stated that perhaps we should always ensure that complex ERs have a priority of P2 or higher; I am perfectly fine with that proposal.. However, do you think we should have other checks and balances in place to prevent us from being caught in the vices of a complex ER at the end of i9 and onwards?


Thanks and my best wishes to the Midnight Oil development team,

Jimmy Mohsin

Cell   +1-609-635-1703

P.S. And no, Mr. Whiteman, this is NOT a reference to an ancient Australian rock band from the 80s.  I am not that old J


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