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[cosmos-dev] MDR and Data Manager Use Cases - installing/uninstalling and online/offline

Dear Cosmonauts,


We have a notion of installing (and uninstalling) MDR’s and Data Managers.  However, till now, we have not talked about the operational status of the MDR’s / DM’s in


So now the question: will we support the notion of MDR’s & DM’s being online / offline?  I have TENTATIVELY added one use case in the MDR Enablement section…



Use Case: Administrator takes an MDR "offline" or "online"

Actor: System Administrator

Description: The Administrator wants to take an MDR "offline", perhaps for maintenance or for any other reason. Alternatively, she may wish to bring the MDR back online.

1.   Administrator opens the COSMOS UI, which displays all the data managers and MDR's

2.   Administrator selects the MDR she wishes to take offline (or online)

3.   Administrator updates the status of the MDR

Enhancements: TBD




Jimmy Mohsin

Cell   +1-609-635-1703


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