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[cosmos-dev] RE: Questions on new management code



Why don’t we set up a time tomorrow to talk through some of this? I’m currently working on some bugs in the ME code right now, and I’d like to finish that up first.

I’m open after 10:30 – will that work for you?




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From: Hubert H Leung [mailto:hkyleung@xxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Monday, January 07, 2008 3:47 PM
To: Hawkins, Joel
Cc: cosmos-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Questions on new management code


Hi Joel,

I see you have refactored the code from and and checked them into management enablement.  Can you give me a summary of what has changed other than package name changes?   Will the version in ME support both OSGi and J2EE environments?  Are there any migration steps required to switch over to use the version in ME?  Will there be any expected behavior changes?  

I have refactored my code to use the new packages and run in OSGi environment, but the WSDM operations can't be invoked.  I'm getting the following error, but no exception stacktrace in the console.  
[Fatal Error] :-1:-1: Premature end of file.

I'm also looking at how to run the annotations in Tomcat.  The web project you attached with bug 209331 seems incomplete.  Can you tell me what dependencies does it have?  (e.g. what do I need to install/configure in eclipse)  And what steps do I need to do before deploying it?  

If you already have something written up about the annotation usage, please send me a link.  

Hubert Leung
IBM Toronto Lab

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