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Re: [cosmos-dev] Code source for ALL testing efforts - COSMOS CVS


I see this subject on the Friday meeting agenda so we’ll probably go again over this QA testing procedure.

To summarize my own view and to add to your recommendations: the QA team should use for testing only builds that are made available on the COSMOS download page.
Testing fixes on a development environment is only acceptable during the implementation for that fix or enhancement. Once the developer considers that the code is stable enough to be applied to CVS, the code is checked in and the defect is marked as fixed. The final verification is done on the build containing the fix and not on a development environment since this testing is intended to cover integration test as well ( uncover situations where the code may work well in a certain dev environment but fails if applied to the current build environment )

During test pass, QA team as well as anybody else running tests must use the stable build for that testpass iteration, declared by the build team. Again, this is made available on the COSMOS download page. If new builds are being declared during a test pass, the QA team should move to the new one as soon as possible.

Since we discussed today the need to verify enhancements and defects prior to a test pass, the question is what builds to use for this type of testing. Since the test pass has not been declared yet, there is no build tagged as ‘stable’ and as Shivvy noted, daily builds are not always successful; one easy way to identify a bad build is when the code doesn’t build. This is easy to spot but there are cases when the build looks good although it eventually fails to run basic scenarios.
I don’t think it’s viable to assume development can always produce stable daily builds. There are large pieces of work or enhancements that may affect other components and it is expected to have a short interval when the build is not completely functional.

I see a few solutions to this interim testing:
- run ad-hoc testing on any daily driver chosen by the QA team; if the driver is not stable report the problem, wait to be fixed and move to that driver
- agree on a day per week when the build must be stable (call those Weekly Stable Builds or Weekly Integration Builds) QA team will only test using those builds.
If the day for the integration build is Thursday, then by eod Wednesday, a smoke test will be run against the Wednesday morning build; if blocking issues are identified, the development team will fix them in time for the Thursday morning build. No major changes are applied to CVS on Wednesday to avoid destabilizing the next morning's driver

Thank you,
Valentina Popescu
IBM Toronto Labs
Phone:  (905)413-2412         (tie-line  969)
Fax: (905) 413-4850

"Mohsin, Jimmy" <Jimmy.Mohsin@xxxxxx>
Sent by: cosmos-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

01/02/2008 11:09 AM

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"N, Shivashankari" <Shivashankari.N@xxxxxx>
Cosmos Dev <cosmos-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
[cosmos-dev] Code source for ALL testing efforts - COSMOS CVS

As discussed on the call, please ensure that QA uses the SINGLE source of the COSMOS code that is maintained by the RE team for ALL your testing efforts.
In case of a bad / incomplete build, we should ***never*** have a parallel codebase that is outside COSMOS CVS.  We need to constantly maintain COSMOS CVS and ensure that it is always fully functional and complete.
In case of a bad build, holler on the dev list to get it fixed and checked in.
Jimmy Mohsin
Cell   +1-609-635-1703
cosmos-dev mailing list

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