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[cosmos-dev] COSMOS i8 data collection/data visualization integration discussion [Meeting minutes]

Here is the meeting minutes from today meeting:


At a high level there are two integration points between the Data Visualization and Data Collection Component:
  1. Outputters - java objects that contains binding and query logic to the data collection apis and produces JSON structures
  2. BIRT ODA - object data access component that contain binding and query logic to the data collection apis that produces data sets used by report templates

I7 Integration Notes
In i7 the outputters utilize the following data collection client interfaces:

In i7 the BIRT ODA utilize a helper methods defined under org.eclipse.cosmos.dc.birt.helper.LocalHelper.  These methods contains the binding and query logic for the old query capability data collection runtime.

I8 Integration Notes
Domain Manager/ Broker/Data Manager Integration
Design document for 208595 ( discusses the outputters required to query the domain manager and broker to populate the navigation tree.  
   -  It was decided that we should only show a list of data managers to simplify the ui rather than showing the management domain and list of brokers since the user will most likely only be interested in the data managers
In i8 the data collection component will maintain the i7 data collection client interface apis as defined in the following classes:

As a result little or no refactoring is necessary to query the management domain, broker or data mangers.  
The IBrokerClient interface will require an api to provide a list of Data Manager properties that the broker is aware of.  This will allow the UI to determine if the Data Manager is a logging, statistical or cmdbf data manager.  Specifically, the broker will provide an api to get a list of Data Managers and associated Data Manager properties.  One of these properties will be the capability of the Data Manager to determine if the Data Manager has statistical, cbe or cmdbf query capabilities.

Side note1: we need to take care of cases where the datamanager is not a WSDM endpoint.  In these cases the data manager may not have the ability to query for properties via WSDM.  For i8 we are not going to tackle this issue.
Side note2: consider defining a generic capability for String in and String out support

Logging and Statistical Data Manager Integration
In I8 the apis defined under org.eclipse.cosmos.dc.birt.helper.LocalHelper will be separated into two provisional interfaces for statistical and logging data.
These interfaces will be convinient apis that a data manager will implement.  The following are methods that the logging interface will implement:
        public Collection<CommonBaseEvent> getAllCBE(String dataset) throws Exception;
        public Collection<CBESeverityCount> getCBECountBySeverity(String dataset) throws Exception;
        public Collection<String> getDataSets() throws Exception;

The following are methods that the statistical interface will implement:
        public Collection<StatisticalTuple> getStatDataForSource(String dataset, String keyset, int start, int size) throws Exception;
        public Collection<String> getDataSets() throws Exception;

Will refractor current report ODAs to talk to the data mangers that implement the above interface.

For Logging and Statistical Data we will utilize the existing database schema we have for i7.  We will create sql statements to query the database and implement the above methods.  An enhancement will be created to wrap TPTP common services around a data manager.  This enhancement will be targeted to a future iteration.  This will provide a better integration with TPTP large log support and services.


Sheldon Lee-Loy
Tivoli Autonomic Computing, IBM Toronto Lab
email: sleeloy@xxxxxxxxxx
phone: 905.413.2610

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