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[cosmos-dev] Request for approval: bug 210663

Since most of the PMC members are on vacation I have discussed bug 210663 with Valentina Popescu and we both agree that this is a stop-ship bug and is approved to be in the i7 release candidate.

The approval request is as follows:

Request for approval of:

1. Explain why you believe this is a stop-ship defect. How does the defect manifest itself, and how will users of COSMOS/ consuming products be
affected if the defect is not fixed?

Without the XercesImpl.jar in the COSMOS WEBINF-lib directory, hitting http://localhost:8080/COSMOSUI/index.jsp?view=cosmos on a Firefox browser produces a blank screen.  This is only the case if the user uses Sun's JDK 1.5.  It seems that IBM JDK 1.5 includes the xerces jar.  However in most cases the open source community will be using Sun's JDK.

2. Is there a work-around? If so, why do you believe the work-around is

Yes there is a workaround.  Users can use IBM's JDK 1.5 however this is not suitable since the open source community will most likely be using Sun's JDK 1.5

3. Is this a regression or API breakage? Explain.
Yes.  The COSMOS web user interface does not function.

4. Does this require new API?


5. Who performed the code review?

Jagmit Singh

6. Is there a test case attached to the bugzilla record?

The end-to-end manual tests provides the test coverage for this problem.

7. What is the risk associated with this fix?

Low.  There is no code changes.  Only the org.apache.xerces_2.8.0.jar needs to be packaged with the COSMOSUI web application.

8. Is this fix related to any standards that COSMOS adheres to? If so, who
has validated that the fix continues to adhere to the standard?



Sheldon Lee-Loy
Tivoli Autonomic Computing, IBM Toronto Lab

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