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[cosmos-dev] Re: COSMOS DC milestone question


Your assumption is correct.  I made some additional changes based on our discussion during last week's Community Call, which I want to review during Thursday's call.  If there are no additional comments, I will roll the revisions into the base schedule (so there will no longer be two tables).


    Tania N. Makins
    Project Manager, AC Open Source Components
    IBM Software Group - RTP, NC
    Office: (919) 254-8430  T/L: 444-8430

"Mohsin, Jimmy" <Jimmy.Mohsin@xxxxxx>

10/23/2007 05:39 PM

Tania N Makins/Durham/IBM@IBMUS
<cosmos-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "N, Shivashankari" <Shivashankari.N@xxxxxx>, "Hayes, Ian" <Ian.Hayes@xxxxxx>, Mark D Weitzel/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUS
COSMOS DC milestone question

On, there are TWO schedules.
One is prefaced with the line “Release Milestones” and the other is prefaced with the line “Proposed Revisions i7-i12 (10/22/2007) - Release Milestones”.
Please note that I am operating under the premise that the LATTER schedule, i.e. the one in which M2 includes i7 / i8 / i9, is now in EFFECT….
Jimmy Mohsin
Cell   +1-609-635-1703

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