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RE: [cosmos-dev] Connecting to COSMOS EPRs using MAX

Hi Balan,

The 2 EPRs that I am trying to connect at the same time are on the same machine, but they have different URIs.  I have pasted the EPRs below.  These endpoints can potentially be on different machines, but they are on the same machine in the test environment.  Is there a limitation in MAX that prevent them from being attached together?  

<wsa:EndpointReference xmlns:wsa="">
        <muse-wsa:ResourceId xmlns:muse-wsa="">RuntimeIdentifierValue</muse-wsa:ResourceId>

<wsa:EndpointReference xmlns:wsa="">
        <muse-wsa:ResourceId xmlns:muse-wsa="">ManagementDomainIdentifierValue</muse-wsa:ResourceId>

Hubert Leung
IBM Toronto Lab

"Hawkins, Joel" <Joel.Hawkins@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: cosmos-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

10/02/2007 01:47 PM

Please respond to
Cosmos Dev <cosmos-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

"Cosmos Dev" <cosmos-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
RE: [cosmos-dev] Connecting to COSMOS EPRs using MAX

Balan –

I don’t know why MAX couldn’t find these schema – I thought they used to be tucked away in the API jars and we’d load them from the classpath. I just read the stack trace that Hubert sent and noticed where MAX was looking for them. Simple case of “Doctor, it hurts when I do this” diagnosis.





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cosmos-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:cosmos-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Mark D Weitzel
Tuesday, October 02, 2007 1:06 PM
Cosmos Dev
Re: [cosmos-dev] Connecting to COSMOS EPRs using MAX



See comments in line <mdw></mdw>

Mark Weitzel | STSM | IBM Software Group | Tivoli | Autonomic Computing | (919) 543 0625 | weitzelm@xxxxxxxxxx

Re: [cosmos-dev] Connecting to COSMOS EPRs using MAX


Balan Subramanian to: Cosmos Dev
10/02/07 11:54 AM


Sent by: cosmos-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

Please respond to Cosmos Dev <cosmos-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>





I do not know why we need to copy the xsd files over. Joel, can you shed some light on that? All endpoints that we tested the MAX with were standard Muse endpoints - some created with the tooling some created directly in Muse.


Please make sure we open a bug against MAX so we don't loose track of this issue.


The two endpoints problem arises if you are trying to connect to endpoints on the same machine that have the same URI in the EPR - I am not sure if that's your case. This is a restriction of the TPTP Agent Framework - no two agents can have the same name and in our case, the name is the URI in the EPR (since the reference parameters can be of variable number and we don't want to show all that in the Profiling Monitor view).


Are we able to create a name based on the full EPR (WSA) and not just the URL?  It seems like this might be a reasonable way to handle this situation.  In the code, is there a difference b/t display name and the actual id?  If so, we might have a few more options.

Balan Subramanian
Autonomic Computing, IBM, RTP, NC
919.543.0197 | bsubram@xxxxxxxxxx

Hubert H Leung <hkyleung@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: cosmos-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

10/02/2007 10:27 AM

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Cosmos Dev <cosmos-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Cosmos Dev <cosmos-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: [cosmos-dev] Connecting to COSMOS EPRs using MAX



The problem was solved by copying the WS-Addressing-2005_08.xsd and other standard xsd files to the eclipse root directory as suggested by Joel.  Does MAX expect the xsd files in the eclispe root directory?  

Another problem I have is that I can't attach two endpoints from MAX at the same time.  For example, I attach the the RuntimeHost endpoint, and it worked.  While it's still attached, I try to attach the ManagementDomain endpoint.  The 2nd attach terminates right away.  I didn't get any error message other than the "Cannot get topics" message.  But if I detach the RuntimeHost endpoint and attach to the ManagementDomain endpoint, then the attach to the ManagementDomain endpoint will work.  Is it expected?  

Hubert Leung
IBM Toronto Lab

Balan Subramanian <bsubram@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: cosmos-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

10/01/2007 11:30 PM

Please respond to
Cosmos Dev <cosmos-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>


Cosmos Dev <cosmos-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: [cosmos-dev] Connecting to COSMOS EPRs using MAX


The errors you see in the OSGi console are not really errors - it is simply Muse reporting that it has no topics and the endpoint is not a service group. This is because the MAX checks all endpoints that you connect it to to see if they are a SG or if they have topics. You can see similar errors/warnings in the MAX log (MAX reports these as errors - they are warnings and there is a bug open in TPTP to fix that).

It seems to me that metadata exchange is failing. This can be because 1) no WSDL is being returned (but I think you were able to do MEX and get the WSDL - please confirm and post the WSDL if you can) 2) returned WSDM fails validation/has parsing errors. If you post the WSDL, I can take a look and see why MAX can't parse it.

Balan Subramanian
Autonomic Computing, IBM, RTP, NC
919.543.0197 | bsubram@xxxxxxxxxx

Hubert H Leung <hkyleung@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: cosmos-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

10/01/2007 03:53 PM

Please respond to
Cosmos Dev <cosmos-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>


[cosmos-dev] Connecting to COSMOS EPRs using MAX


Hi Joel,

I need some help with using MAX to connect to the EPRs of the COSMOS assemblies.  I copied the EPR of COSMOS Runtime to the MAX config dialog box, and started profiling on this endpoint.  The MAX editor does not show up, and I get errors in the OSGi console and the workspace .log file.  I am using TPTP 4.4 MAX.  Can you give me some suggestions on what the problem might be?  Thanks.  

I attached the errors logs with this email.  

Hubert Leung
IBM Toronto Lab
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