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[cosmos-dev] COSMOS Face To Face meeting agenda items



Here are some of the topics I wanted to cover in the Face To Face meeting…  I am assuming we will meet sometime over the next 4-6 weeks for AT LEAST 2 days; this will nicely clear the pending items as they are today on the COSMOS DC wiki page.


1.    Depending on when we meet, ensure that all the designs for i7 / i8 are in order

a.    Ensure that we agree on the delineation between the MDRs and the Broker

b.    Ensure that we agree on the exact role of the Management Domain

2.    Leveraging CMDBf Use Case

a.    Reiterate / refine our goals.

b.    How will we push it forward to enable adoption of the CMDBf Use Case?

c.    Talk about a potential target domain.

d.    Where do we go after this use case?

3.    The SQA angle for the COSMOS DC

a.    Talk about our SQA strategy.

b.    Talk about SQA resourcing.

c.    Talk about the exact function of the SQA resources for the COSMOS DC.

4.    The Security Story for the COSMOS DC

a.    Define the scope of Security.

b.    How will we publish this key area of interest / concern to the outside world?

5.    Facilitation of Adoption

a.    How do we publish our packaging for the CMDBf Use Case?

b.    Identify the tech stack for the CMDBf Use Case.

c.    Identify the range of adopters for the Leveraging CMDBf use case.

d.    What can we do to ensure that adopters of ALL types derive immediate value?

6.    Anything else ***YOU*** wish to add?



Jimmy Mohsin


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