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Re: [cosmos-dev] Review of enhancement 200222

Thanks for your feedback Valentina.
I have added your comments and my reply to the talk page:

On 9/7/07, Valentina Popescu <popescu@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

My own comments based entirely on the wiki content - I did not attend the architecture meeting on Thursday.
They are also logged on the talk page

1. I don't think this comment is accurate 'According to the CMDBf specification, a repository will need to provide two services for it to be considered as an MDR : query and registration'.

I searched the CMDBf spec and couldn't see any normative requirements that a database MUST implement both services in order to be an MDR. Since I can't find this in the spec, using my own logic makes me think that an MDR MUST implement only the QueryInterface since a client seems to be able to connect directly to an MDR and ask for data. The registration service is requited when the MDR is part of a CMDB federation where the federating CMDB uses the push mode to get the data.

  • 2. I understand that this design focuses only on the i6 deliverables which as far as I get from this document are as below. We can probably call this out more clearly
    • no federating CMDB
    • the client will directly access the MDR and get data through the query service
    • there is going to be only one MDR in COSMOS i6 the user can query from. This will be the COSMOS SML repository;
      • a Query Service will be implemented for the COSMOS SML repository
      • the Registration service, as described by the CMDBf spec will not be implemented for i6 ( especially since no federating CMDB is around to make use of it )
      The set of goals we have for i6 make sense to me, having the timeframe and resources allocate to do this work. I think we should also mark here the work that needs to be done next in order to declare full CMDBf support. The items that I would note so that we don't loose track of them:
      • taxonomy for common data query/registration support
        • The usecase for i6 has only one MDR, which is the COSMOS SML repository; the data queried by the client is COSMOS SML type agnostic, which means the client creates a CMDBf query and asks for information using the COSMOS Data Center model structure. Once we move one step further and implement multiple MDR support, the client will need a common language for building a query (I don't think it's viable to assume a client must know the data structure for every MDR he may communicate with and how this maps to his own understanding of those notions; as an example, if the user intention is to query for all computers with os=linux then he will have to translate this human readable query in a data format that can be understood by any MDR he is trying to query; in one MDR, a 'computer' may be called 'asset' while in another it may be called 'node').
        • the obvious one is implementing a federated CMDB  

        Thank you,
        Valentina Popescu
        IBM Toronto Labs
        Phone:  (905)413-2412         (tie-line  969)
        Fax: (905) 413-4850

        "Ali Mehregani" <ali.mehregani@xxxxxxxxx>
        Sent by: cosmos-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

        09/06/2007 02:50 PM

        Please respond to
        Cosmos Dev <cosmos-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

        "Cosmos Dev" <cosmos-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

        [cosmos-dev] Review of enhancement 200222

        Summary of the design review for enhancement 200222

        The following design document was reviewed during the architecture meeting on September 6th, 2007: .  Here's a summary of the review:

        1. Mark: General question about the design document of enhancements:
        Should a design document include detail about namespaces/package names/WSDM capabilities/etc… that an enhancement will introduce?

           - That level of detail should only be included if it affects other subproject and/or clients who intend to extend COSMOS.
           - The information should also be captured under a separate wiki page and be accompanied as part of the Eclipse help with the WSDM tooling.

        2. Mark/Joel: The last figure under the architecture section is misleading.  The connection and the operation fetch are not network operations.  The method of fetching and using the query service for MDRs should be flushed out under enhancement: 

           - Renamed "client" to "query service provider"
           - Added a paragraph after the figure to better explain the scope
           - Further generalized enhancement:

        3. David: There is no mention of applying the property subset directive in the flow diagram:

           - This step was missed in the diagram.  It is a post fetch operation that will be handled for itemTemplates.

        4. Sheldon:  A mirror operation of the output transformer should be provided for the client to be able to convert an XML query response into a POJO graph representation.

           - Agreed: Modified the design document accordingly

        5. Hubert:  More detail needs to be provided about the common components that will reside under the data collection subproject.

           - David is working on the input/output transformations and he will work closely with Hubert to flush out the common components.
           - The outcome of their discussions will be posted on the mailing list.

        6. Hubert:  How does the client know what to query for without any pre-knowledge of the data stored in a repository?

           - This falls outside the scope of this enhancement but it is an open question that needs to be addressed by the data collection subproject.

        7. Hubert:  Why does applying the instance and record type selectors before property and xpath selectors make a difference in terms of performance?
           - This is completely a repository implementation detail.  The SML repository is implemented in a way that will process instance and record type selectors faster than the property and the xpath selectors.  It is not a common sequence of steps that all MDR query services are expected to follow.

        Please use the talk page included at the bottom of the design document to add questions/comments/concerns.
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Ali Mehregani
Test & Performance Tools Platform

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