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[cosmos-dev] Data Collection code contribution review

Minutes of today's data collection contribution review.

Don Ebright
Hubert Leung
Joel Hawkins
Paul Stratton
Martin Simmonds
Bill Muldoon

On today's call, the group discussed four contributions.

Bug 197867:
Hubert pointed out that this patch does not belong in the samples
bundle.  Joel commented that the patch is a functional replacement for
the local registry and belongs in that bundle.   Hubert wishes to rename
this bundle along with others.  We agreed to commit the patch to the
existing local registry bundle for now and defer the discussion of
refactoring our bundle names to the Architecture call on Thursday.
Hubert also commented that the manifest in this patch is out of date.
Bill agreed to rework the patch to update the manifest and apply it to
the local registry.  Joel will commit this patch once Bill provides
these updates.

Bug 199560:
There were no comments regarding this bug.  The group on the call
approved this patch unanimously.  Joel will apply this patch today.

Bug 199563:
There were no comments regarding this bug.  The group on the call
approved this patch unanimously.  Joel will apply this patch today.

Bug 200982:
Joel noted that the Apache muse client provides the capability to obtain
WSDL via metadata exchange.  He will send more detailed information to
Bill, who agreed to rework the patch.  An additional benefit of this
approach would be to remove the circular dependency that was previously
noted regarding this patch.

I would like to propose that in the future we permit individual
committers to exercise their discretion regarding accepting and
committing minor patches such as 199560 and 199563 without a formal
review process.

I would also like to propose that we permit Joel and Bill to mutually
resolve the outstanding issue with bug 200982 without further review.
If anyone disagrees with this approach, please raise your concerns on
the mailing list.


Don Ebright
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