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[cosmos-dev] WS-Resource Catalog and COSMOS Domain & Broker


I was recently in a meeting with Chris Craddock, and some of other IBMers discussing some odds and ends.  A few questions on COSMOS came up as Chris and I were explaining to them the different components of the architecture, and in particular, the broker and the domain.  As we discussed the function of these components, it was pointed out that we could probably leverage the WS-Resource Catalog specification in the implementation of the Domain and Broker.  In fact, several people at the table were very interested in this b/c it would show how we could start putting a number of the standards pieces together, e.g. WSDM, WS-RC, SML, and potentially others.

The idea that I'd like to present to the group is for us to determine if/how we might apply WS-RC to the domain & broker.  A reasonable end-goal would be to get a reusable implementation of WS-RC that we apply/extend to handle any cosmos specific requirements.  We've got a someone inside of IBM that *might* be able to get some cycles to help on the initial reusable component.  

Here's a link to the spec & other info:



Mark Weitzel | STSM | IBM Software Group | Tivoli | Autonomic Computing | (919) 543 0625 | weitzelm@xxxxxxxxxx

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