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RE: [cosmos-dev] question on management domain and brokers

Hi Hubert,


Here is a sequence of events that will occur with a scenario of 2 Data Managers.  We start  with nothing running, and end up with a consumer being able to query data from both of these Data managers.


1.       The Management Domain Starts (this is the entry point to the DC world, lets just say we know where this is for now)

2.       The DataBroker Starts and informs the Management Domain where it can be found (its EPR)

3.       DataManager_1 starts

4.       DataManager_1 asks the Management Domain “Please can you tell me where the DataBroker is?”

5.       The Management Domain tells DataManager_1 where the DataBroker is.

6.       DataManager_1 calls the DataBroker and says “Hello DataBroker, My name is DataManager_1, and I can provide data on performance (for example), and this is how anyone can call me...  Voila! here is my EPR!

7.       DataManager_2 starts

8.       DataManager_2 asks the Management Domain “Please can you tell me where the DataBroker is?”

9.       The Management Domain tells DataManager_2 where the DataBroker is.

10.   DataManager_2 calls the DataBroker and says “Hello DataBroker, My name is DataManager_2, and I can provide data on performance (for example), and this is how anyone can call me...  Voila! here is my EPR!

11.   The Consumer starts.

12.   Consumer asks the Management Domain “Please can you tell me where the DataBroker is?”

13.   The Management Domain tells Consumer where the DataBroker is.

14.   The Consumer calls the DataBroker and asks “Hello DataBroker, can you tell me if there are any Data Managers that can give me performance data?

15.   The DataBroker looks up in its Yellow Pages all references to ‘performance’ and finds an EPR for DataManager_1 and DataManager_2

16.   The DataBroker informs the consumer of the EPRs

17.   The Consumer formulates (This formulation is a big subject that needs to be refined and discussed at a later date) a query for both Data Managers and sends the query to the appropriate Data Manager.

18.   The two Data Mangers take the query, and convert it into a meaningful query to its API that does the retrieval of the data.

19.   The Data that comes back from each Data Managers’ API calls is passed back to the Consumer

20.   The Consumer processes the data.

21.   If the consumer wants to get more refined data, it can go directly back to the Data Manger, as, it already knows where it is.


I hope that this clarifies things.


Martin Simmonds




From: cosmos-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:cosmos-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Hawkins, Joel
Sent: 18 July 2007 18:02
To: Cosmos Dev
Subject: RE: [cosmos-dev] question on management domain and brokers


Hi Hubert,


OK, here goes…


>> I remember Martin said in the meeting that data managers contact the management domain, not a broker.  The management domain has a UDDI registry, which is a logical place to start to discover location of brokers.

My recollection is that we decided NOT to make UDDI a requirement for a DomainManager implementation. Regardless, the idea was that an external client would go to the DomainManager to find out about all available DataBrokers.


If data managers know how to contact brokers directly, the clients can do that as well.  Then what's the use of the management domain?

From the point of view of a DataManager, I’m not sure there is any need for a DomainManager. To me, it makes more sense to deploy DataManagers with an affinity to one or more well-know brokers (well known from the DataManager’s point of view) so that the DataManager can use WSDM Advertisement to notify the DataManager of it’s availability, and let the DataBroker roll up its knowledge of available DataManagers to the DomainManager if one exists. From the client point of view, it seems easier to be able to bootstrap use cases from a single point (the DomainManager), and possibly delegate some of the client use case logic (for example, find me the DataManager for X) to the DomainManager.


What I'm trying to clarify is not the "merged domain manager / broker" simplified scenario, but the real multi-broker scenario. "Visit all brokers until you find one that works" is not an elegant solution.

Was that intended to be a smarmy comment? ;-) In any case, a client will be “visiting brokers” one way or another. Taking your UDDI case, each client would be forced to visit the known brokers in order to find an appropriate match for a given request. If you interpose the DomainManager, then it’s possible to offload some of that client implementation into the DomainManager to simplify the marriage-making and allow for incremental optimization without the need to update clients.


Martin, Jimmy, Chris, please wade in!





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From: cosmos-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:cosmos-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Hubert H Leung
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2007 11:41 AM
To: Cosmos Dev
Subject: RE: [cosmos-dev] question on management domain and brokers


I remember Martin said in the meeting that data managers contact the management domain, not a broker.  The management domain has a UDDI registry, which is a logical place to start to discover location of brokers.  If data managers know how to contact brokers directly, the clients can do that as well.  Then what's the use of the management domain?  (I could be wrong.  That's why I asked for a sequence diagram.)  What I'm trying to clarify is not the "merged domain manager / broker" simplified scenario, but the real multi-broker scenario. "Visit all brokers until you find one that works" is not an elegant solution.  This is essentially a question about how to manage data providers and how to access data in the COSMOS system management environment.  

Hubert Leung
IBM Toronto Lab

"Hawkins, Joel" <Joel.Hawkins@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: cosmos-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

07/18/2007 11:13 AM

Please respond to
Cosmos Dev <cosmos-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>


"Cosmos Dev" <cosmos-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>




RE: [cosmos-dev] question on management domain and brokers




Hi Hubert,

Hi all,

I have a follow up question on the use of management domain and brokers from yesterday's DC meeting.  If we consider using a management domain with multiple brokers, what logic/algorithm will be used to route a client request to the appropriate broker (assuming the brokers aren't redundant copies of each other)?  Similarly, when data manager contacts a management domain at startup, how does the management domain decide which broker it belongs to?  


My understanding is that the DataManager contacts its DataBroker, and the DomainManager only knows about DataBrokers . The nice thing about this is we can easily support the ‘No DomainManager’ simplified scenario.  We can support routing either naively (basically visiting each know DataBroker until we get one that works for a particular request), or we can route based on prior knowledge (sticky sessions and/or routing based on cached information about similar request).  This could be a place for ‘value-add’.

Also, when Martin writes up the notes on how the management domain works, it would be useful if he can provide a sequence diagram or equivalent on the steps and any handshaking protocols of the bootstrap process and the request handling process.  


Good idea.


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Hubert Leung
IBM Toronto Lab

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