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[cosmos-dev] End 2 End updates

Hubert, Sheldon, etc,


I checked in an updated database with some tomcat data in it. Sheldon, you’ll want to update your reports to use the actual tomcat datasource name (“server 33 tomcat” – per Ali’s note), and the new keyset (included from the assembly definition below).


I made some updates to the JMX collector to support CompositeData attribute types, so we can get some decent looking data for the reports.


<cosmos:keyset name="TomcatSet" register="true">

            <cosmos:key name="CurrentBusyThreads" type="integral"/>

            <cosmos:key name="CurrentThreadCount" type="integral"/>

            <cosmos:key name="HeapMemoryUsed" type="integral"/>

            <cosmos:key name="NonHeapMemoryUsed" type="integral"/>



There’s a new project under the examples directory in CVS (org.eclipse.cosmos.examples.e2e.dc.configurations) that contains the tomcat collector and stat query examples. Hubert, do you want to copy your CBE collector and query assemblies under there as well?


I’m going to start looking at the build scripts to see if I can puzzle out how to integrate these new configurations.


Does anyone know if we’ve got an end-to-end wiki page set up? I’d like to document what I had to do to get tomcat jmx going (both for tomcat and for MAX).






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