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[cosmos-dev] End-to-End Scenario Definition - Meeting Notice

I opened bug to track the creation of the end-to-end application data for the resource model, statistical and logging data.

Jimmy, I couldn't add you to this bug since I don't know your bugzilla id.  You will have to add this yourself.

I set up a meeting to discuss the end to end model that we want to show and the statistical and logging data we want to have in the databases.  This meeting is to flush out the details so that the resource model team knows what should be modelled in SML and the data collection team knows what they should capture.  

Time: Thursday June 7,  2-3 PM EST
Toll Free Dial in: 1-866-254-5059
Local Dial In: 416-343-2607
Global Tool Free: 800-4444-1010
Conference ID: 2771920

The resource model team and data collection team should attend this call.


Sheldon Lee-Loy
Tivoli Autonomic Computing, IBM Toronto Lab

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