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Re: [codewind-dev] Codewind and Launcher

Hi, Tim!

And thanks for your prompt reply!

On Mon, Jul 8, 2019 at 12:55 PM Tim deBoer <deboer@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Andrew,
Yes, that does sound like a familiar domain and we'd love to meet and discuss how we can collaborate! If you can withhold any editorial comments on my editing skills, we put a short intro video on last week that should give you an idea of where we're at today, and are happy to get into more detail when we meet.

Excellent.  I'd like to leave some space for the team to watch the video you've made available. :)  RHTers - any takers to prepare a couple of our own?  Likely 1) for current featureset on the creator and friends, and 2) for a brief summary of where we've been looking to go from here?  Just enough to give the Codewinders some background context before we talk.
Any chance some of you are at OSCON next week? A couple of us are there too and we could meet face to face. Otherwise, would you like to propose a few date/times that work for you (maybe a doodle poll?) and we'll see what works? I'm in Toronto but we have developers in Toronto, Raleigh, and Hursley, UK.

I don't believe any of us are slated for OSCON this year, though that'd have been great.  If I may make a first stab, how does this look during OSCON?

Else, the week after:

If not, we'll go to Doodle. 
We can host the call on my Cisco Webex unless you have and prefer a Bluejeans account.

We've got BlueJeans at the ready!
PS - We know Alan and can invite him to any call we set up.


PPS - It's "like the wind blows" and pronounced in the intro video. :)
Tim deBoer
IBM Cloud Developer Experience, Senior Technical Staff Member
----- Original message -----
From: Andrew Lee Rubinger <alr@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: codewind-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
To: codewind-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx, "Robinson, Paul" <probinso@xxxxxxxxxx>, Mark Newton <mnewton@xxxxxxxxxx>, Jason Brock <jbrock@xxxxxxxxxx>, George Gastaldi <ggastald@xxxxxxxxxx>, Erik Jan de Wit <edewit@xxxxxxxxxx>, Tako Schotanus <tschotan@xxxxxxxxxx>, Andy Damevin <adamevin@xxxxxxxxxx>, alr <alr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [codewind-dev] Codewind and Launcher
Date: Mon, Jul 8, 2019 2:53 AM
Hi, Codewind team!
Our congratulations on your proposal's approval into the Eclipse Foundation!  Wishing you all the success you're after.
And to that end, we're wondering if we might help.
The folks CC'd on this email are working on developer experience initiatives at Red Hat.  Specifically, we're after a story which caters to the application developer and bends Kubernetes to work for them.  We don't believe a developer must learn the underlying constructs of a cloud platform to build and run applications.
So for the past couple of years we've been working on our OpenShift tnowooling to generate codebases and build/deploy multicontainer apps.  We're proud of what we have so far, but we're ready to evolve this into an "application developer's toolkit for Kubernetes".
Sound like a familiar domain? :)
We'd love the chance to show you a bit of what we have and where we're headed.  We suspect it may make strategic sense to align if the approaches mesh cleanly enough.
Any interest in getting together with us for a mutual show and tell?

PS - We've also reached out to Alan Little of the Kabanero team, but haven't been able to connect yet.  If we'd like to do this all together - great!
PPS - Is it "wind" like "the wind blows" or "wind up a top"? :)
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