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[cn4j-alliance] convergence of MicroProfile Context Propagation interface methods into Jakarta EE Concurrency

I have been asked to let the CN4J group know that with Jakarta EE 10, we will be proceeding with our plan to contribute interfaces from MicroProfile Context Propagation into Jakarta EE Concurrency by copying the method signatures to the respective Jakarta EE Concurrency classes, according to the original plans outlined on the MicroProfile Context Propagation github project home page, which states:

"It is intended that ManagedExecutor methods will one day be added to ManagedExecutorService, and for a single implementation to be capable of simultaneously implementing both interfaces, both currently as well as after adoption into Jakarta EE."


"It is intended that ThreadContext methods will one day be added to EE Concurrency’s ContextService and for a single implementation to be capable of simultaneously implementing both interfaces, both currently as well as after adoption into Jakarta EE."

To achieve this, I have opened the following issues, which are in the proposed release plan for Jakarta EE Concurrency in Jakarta EE 10

Issue #40 Completion stages backed by ManagedExecutorService

Issue #100 ContextService methods for contextualizing individual dependent stage actions

Issue #101 Completion stages backed by a ContextService

These, as well as a few other issues relating to MicroProfile, are labeled with microprofile to identify the relationship and for convenience.
It will ultimately be up to the Jakarta EE Concurrency community as to whether they end up including all, some, none, or various portions of these.

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