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[cn4j-alliance] Joint marketing meeting Tuesday March 23rd, 9:30am PDT

There is a meeting invite coming for a joint meeting of the Jakarta EE and MicroProfile marketing teams to create a slide deck that describes how both communities align and have synergy.  Block your calendar if you'd like to attend.  Details should be sent before then.

Note this is *not* a technical meeting and anyone joining should respect this is not the venue for technical proposals of any kind.  It is also not the right venue to voice opinions that there should be just one working group.  Nor is it a venue for discussion on future direction.

Tanja, John, do you recall who is setting up the meeting?   There was some discussion of Tanja setting it up, then some discussion of John setting it up on the MicroProfile zoom account.  I'm not sure where that landed.

David Blevins

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