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Re: [che-dev] Project Lead election for Ilya Buziuk on Eclipse Che


On Mon, Mar 18, 2024 at 12:40 PM Jana Vrbkova via che-dev <che-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On Mon, Mar 18, 2024 at 11:56 AM David Festal via che-dev <che-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On Mon, Mar 18, 2024 at 10:01 AM Mario Loriedo via che-dev <che-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi all,

I am starting the Eclipse Che project lead election for Ilya Buziuk.

Ilya has been working on Eclipse Che for more than 7 years and has demonstrated great technical and leadership skills. He worked on almost every component of Che, making substantial contributions since the beginning and has worked on both the source code and the architecture. He is constantly involved in discussion with customers that are adopting Eclipse Che and keeps transforming their feedback into improvements for the project. He has also been a speaker at various international conferences to present Eclipse Che. I am sure he will be the right person to lead Eclipse Che for the future. 

Eclipse Che project committers please answer to this thread with a +1 to vote for 
Ilya's election*. You will have one week starting today to express your vote.


* The Eclipse Foundation has suggested to do the election using a common e-mail thread as the tool for elections was not working
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David Festal

Principal Software Engineer, Devtools

Red Hat France


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Artem Zatsarynnyi

Principal Software Engineer, Developer Tools

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