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[che-dev] Che documentation announcements

Hello Eclipse Che community!

Following changes apply for Che documentation:

   1. The repository has moved to the eclipse-che organization [1]. It should
      ensure a better availability of the GitHub Actions Runners.
   2. The default branch switches from `master` to `main`. New contributing
      rules apply [2]. Highlights: The pages contain modules (assembly,
      concept, procedure or reference) rather than only metadata. 
   3. The `main` branch document devworkspace-only features. We started the
      branch with an empty content to avoid misleading stale content. You are
      invited to contribute new content to the blog first, where relaxed
      publication rules apply. See the DevWorkspace articles publishing
      planning [3].
   4. The 7.42.x branch will stay published in the same /che-7/ location [4].
   5. Next release (7.43) will be published from the `main` branch, to a new
      /stable/ location [5].

[5] (not live yet).

Fabrice Flore-Thebault Senior Technical Writer Red Hat Developer Tools +
CodeReady Wokspaces + Eclipse Che

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