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[che-dev] Che Dashboard now is in a separate deployment

Hello, che devs!

As you probably are aware of: helm chart started to deploy
dashboard in a separate deployment pretty long time ago.

And I would like to inform you that starting from yesterday
Che Dashboard is run in a separate deployment with Che Operator
as well.

For time being Che Server image still embeds Dashboard resources
but they are unreachable from the browser.
It will be removed next release with
Please be aware of this and adapt places which you have if it depends on it.

There should not be any user-facing difference, but I assume there 
may be, since we use default Apache server caching settings. We'll 
double-check if it works fine, but if you face any issue with that, please
let us know via

Stay safe and have a good upcoming weekend!


Serhii Leshchenko


Red Hat 

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