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[che-dev] Shutting down to CodeReady Workspaces on Developer Sandbox for Red Hat OpenShift

Eclipse Che hosted by Red Hat on OpenShift is going to be shut down on March 1, 2021 at 00:01 GMT. A new service based on CodeReady Workspaces on Developer Sandbox for Red Hat OpenShift is available now.  Developer Sandbox for Red Hat OpenShift provides more details about the new service [1]. 
The environment and user access will not be migrated to the new service. On March 1, 2020 00:01 GMT, all the data on the servers will be deleted, including the preferences, workspaces, git clones. This data will not be recoverable after it is deleted. We urge you to perform the following actions before February 28, 2021 23:59 GMT: 

  • Backup your files from your Eclipse Che development environment and clone your git repos to a local environment, or push your latest code to your git repository before we shut down the service.
  •  Backup your workspace definitions (Devfiles) from Workspaces -> Configure Workspace -> Devfile. Highlight the text in devfile editor, copy, and paste to a local YAML file.
  •  Sign up now for access to CodeReady Workspaces on Developer Sandbox and recreate workspaces using the backed up workspace definitions and your git repos.

Please, also find some common Q&A:

Q: What is the difference between Eclipse Che and CodeReady Workspaces?
A:  Red Hat CodeReady Workspaces is the product that is built from the Eclipse Che project. The product is normally two versions behind the project e.g. next version of the CodeReady Workspaces will be built from  Eclipse Che '7.26.0'. Red Hat also provides licensing, packaging, and support, so CodeReady Workspaces is considered a more stable product than the upstream Eclipse Che project. More details about the difference between Eclipse Che and Red Hat CodeReady Workspacess can be found on the official documentation.

Q: Does Red Hat CodeReady Workspaces have any proprietary code?
A: open source is Red Hat DNA. Red Hat products do not contain any proprietary code.

Q: Could this switch have a negative impact on the Eclipse Che project, since Red Hat is a big contributor?
A: Not at all.

Should you have more questions, do not hesitate to ask.




Red Hat

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