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Re: [che-dev] Issue tracking, triage, and sprint planning: is there a better option?

I don't think we should do exactly the same as the community does.
We should do what is the most convenient for us.
Having the code next to the issue tracker is a big benefit at the moment, so I prefer to keep using GH.

p.s. I remember times when we (Codenvy) moved from Jira to GitHub. I cannot say exactly why, but the reason could be having everything in one place.

On Wed, Feb 17, 2021 at 5:31 PM Sun Tan <sutan@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Either we move Theia and Che to Jira.
or the opposite, moving CRW to github.

But having cross issue trackers is the main problem.
Even more if we have to submit issues of the new devsandbox SaaS in Jira.
I don't feel comfortable with that.

Were we supposed to have a super issue tracker that would link everything in one place ... in ? ;)

Sun Tan

Senior Software Engineer

Eclipse Che - CodeReady Workspaces @ Red Hat

also Paris JUG Leader

Red Hat Paris

M: +33621024173    

On Wed, Feb 17, 2021 at 1:54 PM Artem Zatsarynnyi <azatsary@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I don't see any real benefit of moving away from GitHub to Jira as the issue tracker.
Most of our communities are on GitHub, "by default". I believe everyone has a GitHub account today.
Cross-linking between the issues/PRs across all the upstream repositories is awesome! I'm not talking only about Che repos, but also about other upstreams, we depend on in our daily work.

On Wed, Feb 17, 2021 at 2:36 PM Thomas Mäder <tmader@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On 17/02/2021 08:38, Florent Benoit wrote:
> I like to have the tracker where the code/pull requests are and where
> most developers already have an account to submit new issues /
> cross-linking issues, etc. (not yet another account)
Is there no "log in with github" to be had on a JIRA instance? But
cross-linking _is_ convenient. But again, maybe there are ways to
integrate JIRA (or other bugtrackers) with github?


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Artem Zatsarynnyi

Red Hat

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