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Re: [che-dev] Dashboard Next news

Hello, all!

The dependencies described above are resolved,
I'm currently working on updating PRs and plan to merge them today.
So, tomorrow nightly Che Server is expected to be with Dashboard Next only (React-based).

I'll keep you informed and let you know when it's done or any new blocker found.

On Tue, Jan 12, 2021 at 6:41 PM Serhii Leshchenko <sleshche@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hello everyone

I'm happy to share that Dashboard Next (one that based on React) now
is moved from che-incubator[1] organization into eclipse[2].

For time being, it will live in a separate branch named main-react.
During Dashboard->Dashboard Next replacement, it will be moved to the master branch.

There are a few dependencies that are expected to be fixed soon before replacement is done:
1. Revamped Workspaces List is merged (integrations tests are already adapted to it).
2. Dashboard next does not need its own loader[3] is fixed. It's important breaks non-Che Theia 
editors and we try to make sure the first release with Dashboard Next won't get any critical/major bugs.

Due to the same reason, it makes sense to postpone that replacement to 7.26.
It will give us more time to provide fixes for such bugs if any will be discovered.

But apart from that, everything should be ready for dashboard replacement:
1. Upstream documentation is adapted to React-based dashboard[4].
2. Che Server has the corresponding changes where the dashboard is replaced [5].
3. There are integration tests that cover some basics on Dashboard and they are run as PR check [6].
4. There is a draft where we move the React-Based dashboard to master [7].
5. Happy path test is expected to work without changes since it does not really depend on the Dashboard UI.

After the replacement is done, we plan to organize a click-party to catch major bugs earlier.
That's not fully set up but the plan basically is to run the latest Che cluster and welcome each team
to spend some time (30m-1h) clicking and testing the React-based Dashboard in their time-frame.

Sorry for this long email, just wanted to make a plan clear and detailed enough.
If you catch any inconsistency or a missing item in the plan - let me know.


Serhii Leshchenko


Red Hat 


Serhii Leshchenko


Red Hat 

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