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[che-dev] Remove regular team updates within Community meeting

Hello folks,

Last Che Community meeting I've raised a topic to discuss the usefulness of the regular updates given by the teams involved in Che development.
As there were different opinions and we weren't able to achieve a consensus on the subject, I decided to continue discussing it offline.

A bit of background for those who weren't able to attend the latest meeting or not attending it on a regular basis:
usually, at the end of every Che Community meeting, Red Hat team leads give an update
on the teams' work done during the past week and what is planned for the current week.
First, it's prepared in a written form in every Che Community meeting document, e.g. [1]
and then every team lead is retelling it, one by one.
As you see, in 99% these updates look like a list of the issues' titles given from GitHub with the links attached.
Actualy it represents nothing more than just the sprints issues that are publicly available on GitHub for everyone.

So, I expressed my doubts if we really need such a regular part of our Community meeting.
Does it really make sense of preparing it and giving it during every call?
During the call, I proposed to remove this part. Some people are sharing this opinion with me. Some people were against that.
As I remember, there were suggestions to convert it to a different form, e.g.:
- provide the written updates weekly to the community chat
- make it convenient to see on GitHub (maybe labeling the sprint issues with the "current-sprint" label and posting a GitHub query somewhere?)

In this follow-up thread, I want to ask the Community if someone would find it helpful to get such info about the current Che work?
Or being able to get information related to the interesting area from GitHub, by tracking the issues/PRs, is completely enough?

I believe we can remove the "team updates" part from our Community meeting. And there's no need to provide it in a written form.
Since all the information is already present on GitHub, it's already labeled and marked with the corresponding milestones.
I guess people are tracking needed info on GitHub, but not waiting for the weekly updates on a meeting.



Artem Zatsarynnyi

Senior Software Engineer, DevTools
Editors Team Lead, Eclipse Che

Red Hat

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