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[che-dev] Status of Happy path PR check of Eclipse Che repos

Hello everyone,

FYI: E2E Happy path tests PR check of Eclipse Che repo is failing on "Open workspace" step because of issue
   * Che Platform team is investigating the problem
   * Problem recognized by the following error message in Jenkins job console log:
          ▼ MultiUserLoginPage.login
          ▼ CheLoginPage.waitEclipseCheLoginFormPage
    1) Open workspace

  0 passing (23s)
  1 failing

  1) Validation of workspace start
       Open workspace:
     TimeoutError: Exceeded maximum visibility checkings attempts, problems with 'StaleElementReferenceError' of 'By(css selector, *[id="kc-form-login"])' element
      at DriverHelper.waitVisibility (/tmp/e2e/utils/DriverHelper.ts:146:15)
      at <anonymous>
      at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:188:7)

With best regards,
Dmytro Nochevnov
Senior Software Quality Engineer
CodeReady Workspaces QE team

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