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Re: [che-dev] Maybe it's time to admit

On Wed, Oct 7, 2020 at 1:56 PM Thomas Mäder <tmader@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On 07/10/2020 12:49, Mario Loriedo wrote:

I am _not_ advocating having a single dev machine. I am advocating running the whole Theia ide in one container. That theia IDE would run in a container that has all the tools needed to run the plugins installed. There would still be a "dev-machine" container and if you like a "target runtime" container (something we don't have in most devfiles at the mometn).

Why are you reluctant to go all the way along the VM-like path then? With one fat container we would solve the problems you listed plus we won't have inconsistencies between the tools in the IDE container and the tools in the "dev-machine". Is splitting the dev environment in one IDE container and one dev-machine container really worth it in your opinion?

I'm not reluctant; for the argument I'm making it's just irrelevant whether there are one or two "dev machines". There might be advantages to having a separate command line "build" machine, there might not be. I haven't thought about that. Anyway, that's not the point I'm arguing.

I am asking because if we want to be successful building a sidecar based IDE we should agree on the reason why we are doing it.


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