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Re: [che-dev] Che failed with Exception: "Server wsagent/http not available"


On Fri, Jan 4, 2019 at 1:23 AM Tobias Fox <TobiasFox@xxxxxxx> wrote:
I have some question to the local Eclipse Che development:
I implemented a che plugin which has several dependencies. The Maven Build works fine but Im getting the following error when starting a workspace:
"Error: Failed to run the workspace: "Server 'wsagent/http' in machine 'dev-machine' not available."
I think this is caused by the dependencies I use in my plugin, but im not sure which one. So Is there a way to get detailed information for this error?
I had this error before and solved it by adding <scope>provided</scope> to the dependencies. But this time it isn't working.

Here hard to say what exactly problem. But you can try to check logs of ws-agent, most easiest way you can read "dev-machine" console output. 
The follwing issue has a lower priority than the above one.
Also I have configured a run configuration with the GWT plugin in Eclipse. When I run this configuration I'm gettting this error:
[ERROR] Line 48: No source code is available for type org.eclipse.che.sample.ide.JsonExampleEditorExtension; did you forget to inherit a required module?
This error id displayed for 4 other extensions. It is very strange because I only get this errors when running therun configuration in Eclipse. I followed the steps on 
Maybe this is a bit basic, but I'm a beginner.
In the pom from the client I have to enter a module name. Is this the class name or the title from the Extension-annotation for example: @Extension(title="someExtension")?

First of all check your model.gwt.xml in you package structure i should have:  <source path="ide"/>. 
Personally i don't use Eclipse GWT Plugin, for daily work I use this command for start SuperDevMode:
mvn gwt:codeserver -pl :che-ide-gwt-app -am -Dmaven.main.skip -Dmaven.resources.skip -Dche.dto.skip -Dskip-enforce -Dskip-validate-sources

Che Version: 6.9.0
OS: win10
Docker Desktop: (28905)
Maven command: mvn clean install -Dskip-enforce -DskipTests -Dskip-validate-sources -Dfindbugs:skip -DskipIntegrationTests=true -Dmdep:analyze.skip=true
Docker command: docker run -ti --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v <path-to-che>:/data -v <path-to-che>:/repo eclipse/che:6.9.0 start --skip:scripts
I know there are newer Che versions, but I’m developing with this specific Che version and I'm using Docker.
Kind regards,
Tobias Fox
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