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Re: [che-dev] Development quality and transparency

On Thu, Nov 29, 2018 at 11:13 AM <tmader@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Wed, 2018-11-28 at 10:57 +0200, Gennady Azarenkov wrote:
Normally, approval of one or more Maintainer (Code Owner) is needed. 

We really should review the list of maintainers. I doubt Anatolii Bazko wants to review code automation PR's.
If he is codeowner that means that he was an author/maintainer of that code in the past.
And what does it mean "wants"? If he doesn't want  - who want? Should we throw away or deprecated that code?
What Anatolii think about this?
Btw: code owner is not mentioned in the dev process doc except as a technical device.
Do you think that "code owner" role is not needed at all? Or you want to contribute some clarifications in

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Sergii Kabashniuk

Principal Software Engineer, DevTools 

Red Hat Ukraine


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