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[che-dev] Community meeting minutes, 2018-08-20
  • From: Dave Neary <dneary@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2018 14:38:43 -0400
  • Autocrypt: addr=dneary@xxxxxxxxxx; prefer-encrypt=mutual; keydata= xsBNBFFnOWYBCADhaZFr+P1kNLq3PBdFbgLSaXvpysHJtUm8B8w1xYQzaGc6Mv1odYZPcXL8 0AA3Xr9xVvUBNOa9Iwuf1hgh1DW51cxv2UXC7aMAWg/XeUpL6JgIk6cNdkqbcrUGl9pT3NAP WDO6LW7DFs3E+UJj7SbKxPozDCNt6fH0qDjz314qba/EIoEi3NiuYX5WBFF+Ed6ixh0/YW++ J8axn+FlQjsD37v4QMFqsTgRg9OtdZaYBakNNlUae5ErpFAHFFKGkmnMIXYUzuXUzGs0jCkD b5BWcq6uXvvjt0cBU3x4wQcKUf1PChMNn2zEvBxJevDsrkD12uxoDxCqBNOtR2JdDEWJABEB AAHNNERhdmUgTmVhcnkgKFRoZSBSZWFsIERhdmUgTmVhcnkpIDxkbmVhcnlAcmVkaGF0LmNv bT7CwHgEEwECACIFAlFnOWYCGwMGCwkIBwMCBhUIAgkKCwQWAgMBAh4BAheAAAoJECd1qekn DCggKkgIAMsTnlGfRIrJPECBaL8J+iV3WiMo3SvBGs63UcGgyHANkFTCEoR5HKvgcHkGDex3 aVSlDlEilopXyBshJ2pxuhoOBQaoLi0FWBVmnSRYKwP8/BoYm0LGNdqBRcbEmyqZ044zTRC6 WyiFOKp90jGgVV2IXeUodyDmkxVBDczWjrLONy2HJuONzbwPsTGLxcM8FnT6pu4YasGzj8Gj Nyz/DW38mZ/JLnyCbrH1/GNsFdDfLcOjgAMkeZVVNk8zZCTV3LdWMWSom/Uk0rLn4aKgCgzK O884+xCuTaMsSeuRLNC+AzbZlaqDex0kmYoJOuf+N7GH4GStLM566duy5SCxWLTOwE0EUWc5 ZgEIAOjQGgQ4+A35kXiIC4BsWNpr17jdec4vD9RgrlQ/I5KM/t4ZwWbM3OsQ1adN09u8iXMN P3KWGIGekQWG5w0xfd/gq6oY8j4lkRFl+xPMucjtK4ShhZfD9F8KQIYyOiZSoLCkYPZwWKaa 4Fr0Orgz8+Y80PJWLG+Ew+hSDBAPXVokaKCClsCNmithmjgaspK1OXbnFmAhesbKm7U+It3u RTXzPXDDFLbLXeDXlyCWVOsMbjNU8x7amggcfy+tEjX4FKax+QQZ7ydgADNmxvp+1f9GwYyK xudzyMRCfBqFAy80n+TaRI6N1urevSnAuTL87CTKJDo+UMdzYiZ9TWQSCkEAEQEAAcLAXwQY AQIACQUCUWc5ZgIbDAAKCRAndanpJwwoIL75CACtkWbjxbjzJ2Jmh7sUP8J6QFKAMRJJcBu+ moyx0+f+RS9ZIauolvYbDv2hJnPQNwc5JARAqGAF15K11iqBH0cIANETqNoZmO8syLLqNTG+ 33/BrwqiN8oQP2GPWxnSGGvwE09lZPsksI7prxrBEy4pZb0QBy2LCG5rcMafT88+/MvtY311 wrzUf5lRWcivUgAV3DLLCsB3fy+pojds3sBUEfoLZR2giWJgal14GSFXHCcQlbAsNqqKGraS Xw8r03OK4OoP46kf/mUYZVw22W5qDdkh22O6oOOUHZKx/zzyPnSFVNUD6Nh73uGyITB+vifI aEpXOnWQf+RkAOUVWOqw
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Hi all,

We had the regular Che community meeting today. Here are the meeting
notes (included below):

The next meeting will be at 11am Eastern Standard Time, September 3rd,
at the same place.


* Che 6.x timeline - Jason Levine/Software Ag
* Workspace restart strategy - Sergey/SAP
* Accessibility (Section 508 compliance), Localization,
Internationalization - Jason Levine/Software AG


1. Che 6.x timeline

 - Question: When will Che 7 release?
 - Answer: Continue to work on 6.x for the next number of releases,
while working on Che 7 related features and merging them as they are
ready. When all Che 7 prerequisite features are “ready”, we will jump
versions to Che 7.0 - no dates announced or targeted yet.

2. Accessibility

 - Software AG needs to ensure that Che is accessible for its customers.
Is there interest in accessibility related improvements?
 - Absolutely! Dave summarises what accessibility means - allowing
products to be used by the blind, visually impaired, and physically
impaired - can you use the project without a screen, in text only mode,
without a mouse, or with a high contrast theme and very large font size?
 - Any accessibility features will be welcomed.

3. Internationalization and localization

 - Are there plans to have language packs in non-English languages?
 - Do we support non-Latin scripts, RTL languages?
 - Answer from Sergii: There is currently support in GWT for
localisation, but no plans to improve it - the goal is to focus support
for l10n and i18n in Theia

4. Workspace restart strategy

 - Workspaces are currently in a pod, rather than being a deployment -
when a workspace fails, Kubernetes can’t restart it. What are our plans
in this area?
 - Oleksander answers that we already have deployment workspaces in the
tip of master, as an option. Right now our installer process prevents us
from leveraging this for workspace restarts, we plan to address this
issue. In, workspaces will be run in separate containers,
and this will make workspace restarts much easier.
 - Asaf also interested in workspace management, and would like to know
when it will be available to use. Sergii explained that it is already
available but considered experimental - we are not developing 7.x
separately, features like this are merged as they are ready.
 - Oleksander suggests that we need to raise awareness of experimental
work which has merged as an option or has not yet merged b/c still work
in progress, and suggests that we should publish our demo videos for
experimental features.
 - Asaf asked whether it would be possible to use sidecar flow for Che 6.x
 - Oleksandr answered that our current experimental builds supports
current GWT based IDE as sidecar, but we won’t make sidecar flow default
in Che 6.x because it is major incompatibility with the current flow and
we would rather have such an incompatibility in a new major version of
the product.


 - Post demos from Che core teams to che-dev mail list to engage
community to provide feedback and spread information about the most
recent changes. Demos of Theia based Che flow might also be interesting
for the community.

Dave Neary - Open Source and Standards team
Red Hat -
Ph: +1-978-399-2182 / Cell: +1-978-799-3338

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