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[che-dev] Che community call 2018-07-16: Meeting notes
  • From: Dave Neary <dneary@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2018 19:45:53 +0200
  • Autocrypt: addr=dneary@xxxxxxxxxx; prefer-encrypt=mutual; keydata= xsBNBFFnOWYBCADhaZFr+P1kNLq3PBdFbgLSaXvpysHJtUm8B8w1xYQzaGc6Mv1odYZPcXL8 0AA3Xr9xVvUBNOa9Iwuf1hgh1DW51cxv2UXC7aMAWg/XeUpL6JgIk6cNdkqbcrUGl9pT3NAP WDO6LW7DFs3E+UJj7SbKxPozDCNt6fH0qDjz314qba/EIoEi3NiuYX5WBFF+Ed6ixh0/YW++ J8axn+FlQjsD37v4QMFqsTgRg9OtdZaYBakNNlUae5ErpFAHFFKGkmnMIXYUzuXUzGs0jCkD b5BWcq6uXvvjt0cBU3x4wQcKUf1PChMNn2zEvBxJevDsrkD12uxoDxCqBNOtR2JdDEWJABEB AAHNNERhdmUgTmVhcnkgKFRoZSBSZWFsIERhdmUgTmVhcnkpIDxkbmVhcnlAcmVkaGF0LmNv bT7CwHgEEwECACIFAlFnOWYCGwMGCwkIBwMCBhUIAgkKCwQWAgMBAh4BAheAAAoJECd1qekn DCggKkgIAMsTnlGfRIrJPECBaL8J+iV3WiMo3SvBGs63UcGgyHANkFTCEoR5HKvgcHkGDex3 aVSlDlEilopXyBshJ2pxuhoOBQaoLi0FWBVmnSRYKwP8/BoYm0LGNdqBRcbEmyqZ044zTRC6 WyiFOKp90jGgVV2IXeUodyDmkxVBDczWjrLONy2HJuONzbwPsTGLxcM8FnT6pu4YasGzj8Gj Nyz/DW38mZ/JLnyCbrH1/GNsFdDfLcOjgAMkeZVVNk8zZCTV3LdWMWSom/Uk0rLn4aKgCgzK O884+xCuTaMsSeuRLNC+AzbZlaqDex0kmYoJOuf+N7GH4GStLM566duy5SCxWLTOwE0EUWc5 ZgEIAOjQGgQ4+A35kXiIC4BsWNpr17jdec4vD9RgrlQ/I5KM/t4ZwWbM3OsQ1adN09u8iXMN P3KWGIGekQWG5w0xfd/gq6oY8j4lkRFl+xPMucjtK4ShhZfD9F8KQIYyOiZSoLCkYPZwWKaa 4Fr0Orgz8+Y80PJWLG+Ew+hSDBAPXVokaKCClsCNmithmjgaspK1OXbnFmAhesbKm7U+It3u RTXzPXDDFLbLXeDXlyCWVOsMbjNU8x7amggcfy+tEjX4FKax+QQZ7ydgADNmxvp+1f9GwYyK xudzyMRCfBqFAy80n+TaRI6N1urevSnAuTL87CTKJDo+UMdzYiZ9TWQSCkEAEQEAAcLAXwQY AQIACQUCUWc5ZgIbDAAKCRAndanpJwwoIL75CACtkWbjxbjzJ2Jmh7sUP8J6QFKAMRJJcBu+ moyx0+f+RS9ZIauolvYbDv2hJnPQNwc5JARAqGAF15K11iqBH0cIANETqNoZmO8syLLqNTG+ 33/BrwqiN8oQP2GPWxnSGGvwE09lZPsksI7prxrBEy4pZb0QBy2LCG5rcMafT88+/MvtY311 wrzUf5lRWcivUgAV3DLLCsB3fy+pojds3sBUEfoLZR2giWJgal14GSFXHCcQlbAsNqqKGraS Xw8r03OK4OoP46kf/mUYZVw22W5qDdkh22O6oOOUHZKx/zzyPnSFVNUD6Nh73uGyITB+vifI aEpXOnWQf+RkAOUVWOqw
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Hi all,

We had a Che community meeting, as proposed on the mailing list last
week, on our usual "off week", on the topic of logging, tracing, and
monitoring for Che (platform, core application, and workspaces).

The meeting was led by Tamir Menahem and Yariv Lifchuk of SAP. Here are
the notes from the call:

Text notes:

Log, Trace, Monitoring

* Log epic -
* Trace epic -
* Monitor epic -

Yariv’s goal is to summarise recommendations, and open discussion on
this topic
 - Goal is to align the community on log format standardization
 - Logs should go to stdout/err to enable log streaming
 - Want to add mandatory params for user_id, tenant, and optional params
which could be useful for some clients (eg trace_id)
 - Recommends using Prometheus for monitoring guest instances. Covers
system monitoring. For application monitoring, a specific health check
is necessary
 - Want to use logs to send monitoring events to central repository with
a custom tag
 - Need both internal app status monitor/health check, and an external
health check to monitor whether instances stop responding
 - With all these health checks, proposal to use a healthcheck manager
to manage all of the healthchecks

SAP prioritization:
1. System monitoring - monitoring k8s, Che services
2. Logging: fluentd or logstash for log aggregation
3. Critical external health checks: add health check end-point to
workspace pods

There was a long and detailed conversation about restart policy and
severity of events for containers in pods.

Mario and Stevan propose a separate call to track progress for logging
and system monitoring.

System monitoring: Expecting work to complete in next 1-2 sprints
Logging: Another ~3 sprints after this

Tamir: To set up another meeting for follow-up on logging, to include
Mario, Sergii, and Alex (and anyone else interested) for follow-up call


On 07/09/2018 06:25 PM, Dave Neary wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> A number of key participants in the Che project will be unavailable in 2
> weeks for the next scheduled Che meeting. I would like to propose moving
> the meeting up a week, and having it next Monday, at the usual time.
> Does anyone have any objections? The first topic will be on tracing and
> metrics, Tamir, will you be available to discuss this next week?
> Thanks,
> Dave.

Dave Neary - Open Source and Standards team
Red Hat -
Ph: +1-978-399-2182 / Cell: +1-978-799-3338

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