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[che-dev] Registration of file types for language servers

Hi folks,

for, I've been working on allowing to register language servers to particular file names, not only extensions. I would like to fold these changes in to the main branch and would like your feedback on the following idea:

The code that registers language servers for particular extensions lives in org.eclipse.che.plugin.languageserver.ide.LanguageServerFileTypeRegister. There are two problems with this code:

  • It does not allow for registering a language server for single file names like "pom.xml" or "package.json".
  • It only registers that given mime types as a Orion content type for the first extension given, not all of them. So if I had a language server that handles xsd and xml files, I would have no way to have different syntax highlighting, but the same language server.

In che, two mechanisms are used to differentiate content types:

  • org.eclipse.che.ide.api.filetypes.FileType is used to determine which editor is opened. This implies most of the language server behaviour, like content assist, etc.
  • org.eclipse.che.ide.editor.orion.client.jso.OrionContentTypeOverlay is used to determine syntax highlighting and to dispatch to hover and occurrences implementations. Content types are identified by a "mime type" like "text/xml"

In order to solve these problems, I would like to propose the following: extension points:

  • Language Descriptor: maps a file type descriptor to a language: example:
        "fileNames": ["pom.xml"],
        "extensions:" [],
        "languageId": "mavenpom",
        "name:" "Maven Pom File",
        "syntax highlighting": null,
        "contentType": "application/x-pom",
        "extends": "text/xml"
    -> this descriptor would be used to generate both an Orion content type and a file typ in a 1:1 fashion.
  • Language Server: maps a language id to a particular language server launcher.

I believe this change would both serve the immediate need of, and would be a nicer an more clear way to make language servers to Che. In addition, it would be a first step towards supporting multiple language servers per file type.

thx for your feedback:


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