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[che-dev] ApplicationStatus.FAILD


Lets say  my  runner threw a RunnerException during run request, as a result the status request for that runner Pid returns Faild.

The ApplicationProcessDescriptor doesn’t contain the Stop link , following the logic implemented in stop of RunnerService. getStatus




Now , I would like to stop that runner process but  can't , because of the following code  in RemoteRunnerProcess :


public ApplicationProcessDescriptor stop() throws RunnerException, NotFoundException {

        final ApplicationProcessDescriptor descriptor = getApplicationProcessDescriptor();

        final Link link = descriptor.getLink(Constants.LINK_REL_STOP);

        if (link == null) {

            switch (descriptor.getStatus()) {

                case STOPPED:

                case CANCELLED:

                    LOG.debug("Can't stop process, status is {}", descriptor.getStatus());

                    return descriptor;


                    throw new RunnerException("Can't stop application. Link for stop application is not available.");



        try {

            return HttpJsonHelper.request(ApplicationProcessDescriptor.class, DtoFactory.getInstance().clone(link));

        } catch (IOException e) {

            throw new RunnerException(e);

        } catch (ServerException | UnauthorizedException | ForbiddenException | ConflictException e) {

            throw new RunnerException(e.getServiceError());





Is that a  bug  , or am I missing some thing ?

How can I stop a failed runner process .



Best Regards,

Dany Shapiro.

DI Cloud Exp DevX | SaaS Extensions &  Ecosystem Team | SAP Labs Israel | 15 Hatidhar st. | Raanana 43665, Israel

T +972-(0)9-777-5201




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