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Re: [che-dev] Copy/Move with rename question

Hello again,


We are targeting a cloud environment, in which multiple REST calls are costly.

If we take into account a scenario in which the user attempts to copy a file from folder A to folder B,

The number of calls in the best case would be two (copy and then rename or vice versa) – in case of success.


The number of calls in the worst case, would be three or more (for rollback actions) – in case of naming conflicts,
as can be seen in the following scenario, backed by current Che API:


Goal: User want to copy and renamed file a.txt from folder A to folder B with a new name ‘b.txt’

Assumption: folder B already contains a file named ‘a.txt’ or a file named ‘b.txt’

With current API the flow will be as follows:

1.       User copies file a.txt from folder A to folder B (POST copy/A/a.txt?to=B)



2.1.1          User receives an HTTP 409 response (Resource already exists)

2.1.2      User needs thus to rename the file a.txt to say, ‘copyOfa.txt’ (POST rename/A/a.txt?name=copyOfa.txt&mediaType=text)

2.1.3      User tries again to copy file a.txt from folder A to folder B with the new name (POST copy/A/copyOfa.txt?to=B)

2.1.4      The new name is available so the operation is successful. (HTTP response 201)

2.1.5      The user needs to rename file copyOfa.txt in folder A back to a.txt to return to previous state  (POST rename/A/a.txt name=copyOfa.txt&mediaType=text)

2.1.6      end of scenario


2.2.1      The new name is not available because (for sake of example) there is already a file named ‘b.txt’ in folder B so user gets a HTTP 409 response (Resource already exists)

                                2.2.2      Temporary file ‘a.txt’ need to be cleared from folder B to return to previous state (DELETE /B/a.txt)

                                2.2.3      Operation fails


As can be seen in the described scenario, both flows will result in at least 3 REST calls.
The first path (1->…->2.1.6) clearly contains two unnecessary REST calls (2.1.2 + 2.1.3) which could be avoided by enabling copy with rename to be performed atomically.


In contrast, let’s assume the API has the ability to copy with rename (in the request body for instance) and also, the backend supports default new name suggestion, then the number of client REST calls for the above scenario could be reduced to a single REST call
and a maximum of two calls
if the user is prompt to decide the new file name.


Turning the above scenario into:

1.       User copies file a.txt from folder A to folder B (POST copy/A/a.txt?to=B)

2.       If the user chooses to turn on (for instance) “auto renaming” by providing the appropriate request body the scenario could end here since backend will auto rename the target.


3.1          If not then the backend can return a new name not yet used for a.txt, like copyOfa1.txt in the response body.

The user then, could choose to rename a.txt in the target backed by a guarantee that it will not collide with any other files occupying folder

3.2          the user (again) copy a.txt to folder B, with a new name copyOfa1.txt provided in the request body. (POST copy/A/a.txt?to=B)


We would like to suggest that a new (and available) name for the file being copied will be automatically chosen if the name provided by the user causes a conflict, similarly to how windows explorer handles such cases.

Please consider the same for move with rename operation.



Ori Libhaber



Ori Libhaber

HANA Cloud Platform DI-Extentions Team | SAP Labs Israel | 15 Hatidhar st. | Raanana 43665, Israel

T +972-(0)9-777-9830




From: che-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:che-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Micka?l Leduque
Sent: Wednesday 22 April 2015 15:31
To: che developer discussions
Cc: Sharav, Omer
Subject: Re: [che-dev] Copy/Move with rename question



I don't think that's what Ori Libhaber had in mind, but isn't there's already a problem when you want to "copy with rename" in the same directory?



2015-04-22 13:19 GMT+02:00 Gennady Azarenkov <gazarenkov@xxxxxxxxxxx>:



Honestly, we've never considered dedicated method for this as you can simply copy and then rename.

Please explain why this option is that important for you.



Gennady Azarenkov - CTO @



On Tue, Apr 21, 2015 at 3:40 PM, Libhaber, Ori <ori.libhaber@xxxxxxx> wrote:


I am from the DevX team in SAP Israel and have a question regarding Che’s ability to copy/move/rename its FS artifacts.
As to my best understanding, according to your API, the original file/folder name is kept when copying/moving a file/folder to a new location.

My question:
Are you planning to add an additional API to allow copy/move with rename?
If yes, in what version can we expect it to be implemented?

Respectfully yours,
Ori Libhaber

Ori Libhaber

HANA Cloud Platform DI-Extentions Team | SAP Labs Israel | 15 Hatidhar st. | Raanana 43665, Israel

T +972-(0)9-777-9830




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