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[cf-dev] Send modified resource's values to observing client


I am trying out californium with my scenario. Currently, I have implemented a californium client which takes the values from my ultrasonic sensor on a raspberry Pi and send them to my californium server every 2 seconds. Now I want to use Copper to observe to that resource for the changed values. However, so far I don't know how to make handleGET respond to take the value sent to the server through handlePUT, because as I notice the observe method will subscribe to the resource and use GET to receive the changed values.

Here is the code on my server side:

public static class HelloResource extends CoapResource {

        public HelloResource() {

        public void handleGET(CoapExchange exchange) {
            exchange.respond("Replace to make Copper see the changed values");
        public void handlePUT(CoapExchange exchange) {
            String payload = exchange.getRequestText();
            System.out.println(payload + " cm");
            try {
                exchange.respond(CHANGED, payload);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                exchange.respond(BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid String");

Could someone provide any help ? Thank you in advance.

Best regards,
Thong Q. Nguyen

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