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[cf-dev] Handshake error with PSK

Dear developers,
I am Marco Minici, a Computer Engineering student. Realizing a project concerning CoAP implementation protocol with DTLS, I got a problem. My goal was to use PSK algorithm in order to make two machines communicate, so I have used a InMemoryPskStore to configure the DTLSConnectorConfig.Builder. In Californium API I read that I could use as CipherSuite TLS_PSK_WITH_AES_128_CCM_8 or TLS_PSK_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 if only the pskStore is set. Whatuld be the problem?
Server console log give this:
11 FINER [ServerHandshaker]: Client [/] uses PSK identity [Client_identity] - ( receivedClientKeyExchange() in thread DTLS-Receiver- at (2017-03-27 18:05:06)
11 INFO [DTLSConnector]: Aborting handshake with peer [/]: Cannot authenticate client, identity [Client_identity] is unknown - ( terminateOngoingHandshake() in thread DTLS-Receiver- at (2017-03-27 18:05:06)
11 FINE [DTLSConnector]: Terminating connection with peer [/], reason [HANDSHAKE_FAILURE] - ( terminateConnection() in thread DTLS-Receiver- at (2017-03-27 18:05:06)
11 FINE [DTLSConnector]: Received CHANGE_CIPHER_SPEC record from peer [/] with no handshake going on - ( processChangeCipherSpecRecord() in thread DTLS-Receiver- at (2017-03-27 18:05:06)
11 FINE [DTLSConnector]: Received Handshake (22) record from peer [/] - ( processHandshakeRecord() in thread DTLS-Receiver- at (2017-03-27 18:05:06)
11 FINE [DTLSConnector]: Discarding unexpected handshake message [epoch=1] received from peer [/] without existing connection - ( processHandshakeRecordWithoutConnection() in thread DTLS-Receiver- at (2017-03-27 18:05:06)

Best regards,
Marco Minici

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