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[cf-dev] [Hudson] Build failed in Hudson: 2.0.x-nightly #33

See <>


[Kai Hudalla] Change checkServerTrusted to relaxed DN test.

[...truncated 5464 lines...]
<-----   ACK [MID=146, T=67fae2ebbbfbfc43], 2.05, 2:2/1/32
CON [MID=147, T=67fae2ebbbfbfc43], GET, /test, 2:3/0/32    ----->
<-----   ACK [MID=147, T=67fae2ebbbfbfc43], 2.05, 2:3/1/32
CON [MID=148, T=67fae2ebbbfbfc43], GET, /test, 2:4/0/32    ----->
<-----   ACK [MID=148, T=67fae2ebbbfbfc43], 2.05, 2:4/0/32

 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Destroying endpoint at address coap:// - ( destroy() in thread main at (2017-01-30 05:16:24)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Stopping endpoint at address coap:// - ( stop() in thread main at (2017-01-30 05:16:24)
 1 CONFIG [ReliabilityLayer]: ReliabilityLayer uses ACK_TIMEOUT=2,000, ACK_RANDOM_FACTOR=1.5, and ACK_TIMEOUT_SCALE=2 - ( <init>() in thread main at (2017-01-30 05:16:24)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Starting endpoint at coap:// - ( start() in thread main at (2017-01-30 05:16:24)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Started endpoint at coap:// - ( start() in thread main at (2017-01-30 05:16:24)
-- POST long short --
Server received 092741993483703684913173609299646832742332386141817420489780783490155065513155832715639258614407963762612288466846644398071062823115620119213533626745
Client received payload [1020657739979325]
CON [MID=221, T=2f4083e6177d5bdc], POST, /test, 1:0/1/32, size1(150)    ----->
<-----   ACK [MID=221, T=2f4083e6177d5bdc], 2.31, 1:0/1/32
CON [MID=222, T=2f4083e6177d5bdc], POST, /test, 1:1/1/32    ----->
<-----   ACK [MID=222, T=2f4083e6177d5bdc], 2.31, 1:1/1/32
CON [MID=223, T=2f4083e6177d5bdc], POST, /test, 1:2/1/32    ----->
<-----   ACK [MID=223, T=2f4083e6177d5bdc], 2.31, 1:2/1/32
CON [MID=224, T=2f4083e6177d5bdc], POST, /test, 1:3/1/32    ----->
<-----   ACK [MID=224, T=2f4083e6177d5bdc], 2.31, 1:3/1/32
CON [MID=225, T=2f4083e6177d5bdc], POST, /test, 1:4/0/32    ----->
<-----   ACK [MID=225, T=2f4083e6177d5bdc], 2.05, 1:4/0/32

 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Destroying endpoint at address coap:// - ( destroy() in thread main at (2017-01-30 05:16:24)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Stopping endpoint at address coap:// - ( stop() in thread main at (2017-01-30 05:16:24)
 1 INFO [CoapServer]: Destroying server - ( destroy() in thread main at (2017-01-30 05:16:24)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Destroying endpoint at address coap:// - ( destroy() in thread main at (2017-01-30 05:16:24)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Stopping endpoint at address coap:// - ( stop() in thread main at (2017-01-30 05:16:24)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Destroying endpoint at address coap://localhost:0 - ( destroy() in thread main at (2017-01-30 05:16:25)
 1 INFO [CoapServer]: CoAP server has been destroyed - ( destroy() in thread main at (2017-01-30 05:16:25)
End BlockwiseTransferTest
Tests run: 8, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 3.024 sec - in org.eclipse.californium.core.test.BlockwiseTransferTest
Running org.eclipse.californium.core.test.SmallServerClientTest

Start SmallServerClientTest
 1 CONFIG [ReliabilityLayer]: ReliabilityLayer uses ACK_TIMEOUT=2,000, ACK_RANDOM_FACTOR=1.5, and ACK_TIMEOUT_SCALE=2 - ( <init>() in thread main at (2017-01-30 05:16:25)
 1 INFO [CoapServer]: Starting server - ( start() in thread main at (2017-01-30 05:16:25)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Starting endpoint at coap://localhost:0 - ( start() in thread main at (2017-01-30 05:16:25)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Started endpoint at coap:// - ( start() in thread main at (2017-01-30 05:16:25)
client sent request
server received request
client received response
End SmallServerClientTest
Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.505 sec - in org.eclipse.californium.core.test.SmallServerClientTest
Running org.eclipse.californium.core.test.ClientSynchronousTest
 1 CONFIG [ReliabilityLayer]: ReliabilityLayer uses ACK_TIMEOUT=2,000, ACK_RANDOM_FACTOR=1.5, and ACK_TIMEOUT_SCALE=2 - ( <init>() in thread main at (2017-01-30 05:16:26)
 1 INFO [CoapServer]: Starting server - ( start() in thread main at (2017-01-30 05:16:26)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Starting endpoint at coap://localhost:0 - ( start() in thread main at (2017-01-30 05:16:26)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Started endpoint at coap:// - ( start() in thread main at (2017-01-30 05:16:26)

Start ClientSynchronousTest on port 36354
 1 INFO [CoapServer]: Destroying server - ( destroy() in thread main at (2017-01-30 05:16:26)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Destroying endpoint at address coap:// - ( destroy() in thread main at (2017-01-30 05:16:26)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Stopping endpoint at address coap:// - ( stop() in thread main at (2017-01-30 05:16:26)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Destroying endpoint at address coap://localhost:0 - ( destroy() in thread main at (2017-01-30 05:16:26)
 1 INFO [CoapServer]: CoAP server has been destroyed - ( destroy() in thread main at (2017-01-30 05:16:26)
End ClientSynchronousTest
 1 CONFIG [ReliabilityLayer]: ReliabilityLayer uses ACK_TIMEOUT=2,000, ACK_RANDOM_FACTOR=1.5, and ACK_TIMEOUT_SCALE=2 - ( <init>() in thread main at (2017-01-30 05:16:26)
 1 INFO [CoapServer]: Starting server - ( start() in thread main at (2017-01-30 05:16:26)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Starting endpoint at coap://localhost:0 - ( start() in thread main at (2017-01-30 05:16:26)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Started endpoint at coap:// - ( start() in thread main at (2017-01-30 05:16:26)

Start ClientSynchronousTest on port 37586
366 INFO [CoapResource]: Successfully established observe relation between / and resource /storage - ( addObserveRelation() in thread CoapServer#2 at (2017-01-30 05:16:26)
 1 WARNING [Request]: update your code to supply an RFC 7252 compliant URI including a scheme - ( setURI() in thread main at (2017-01-30 05:16:26)
 1 INFO [CoapServer]: Destroying server - ( destroy() in thread main at (2017-01-30 05:16:26)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Destroying endpoint at address coap:// - ( destroy() in thread main at (2017-01-30 05:16:26)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Stopping endpoint at address coap:// - ( stop() in thread main at (2017-01-30 05:16:26)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Destroying endpoint at address coap://localhost:0 - ( destroy() in thread main at (2017-01-30 05:16:26)
 1 INFO [CoapServer]: CoAP server has been destroyed - ( destroy() in thread main at (2017-01-30 05:16:26)
End ClientSynchronousTest
 1 CONFIG [ReliabilityLayer]: ReliabilityLayer uses ACK_TIMEOUT=2,000, ACK_RANDOM_FACTOR=1.5, and ACK_TIMEOUT_SCALE=2 - ( <init>() in thread main at (2017-01-30 05:16:26)
 1 INFO [CoapServer]: Starting server - ( start() in thread main at (2017-01-30 05:16:26)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Starting endpoint at coap://localhost:0 - ( start() in thread main at (2017-01-30 05:16:26)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Started endpoint at coap:// - ( start() in thread main at (2017-01-30 05:16:26)

Start ClientSynchronousTest on port 59293
 1 INFO [CoapServer]: Destroying server - ( destroy() in thread main at (2017-01-30 05:16:26)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Destroying endpoint at address coap:// - ( destroy() in thread main at (2017-01-30 05:16:26)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Stopping endpoint at address coap:// - ( stop() in thread main at (2017-01-30 05:16:26)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Destroying endpoint at address coap://localhost:0 - ( destroy() in thread main at (2017-01-30 05:16:27)
 1 INFO [CoapServer]: CoAP server has been destroyed - ( destroy() in thread main at (2017-01-30 05:16:27)
End ClientSynchronousTest
Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.833 sec - in org.eclipse.californium.core.test.ClientSynchronousTest
Running org.eclipse.californium.core.test.ResourceTreeTest

Start ResourceTreeTest
 1 CONFIG [ReliabilityLayer]: ReliabilityLayer uses ACK_TIMEOUT=2,000, ACK_RANDOM_FACTOR=1.5, and ACK_TIMEOUT_SCALE=2 - ( <init>() in thread main at (2017-01-30 05:16:27)
 1 INFO [CoapServer]: Starting server - ( start() in thread main at (2017-01-30 05:16:27)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Starting endpoint at coap://localhost:0 - ( start() in thread main at (2017-01-30 05:16:27)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Started endpoint at coap:// - ( start() in thread main at (2017-01-30 05:16:27)
Check that the resource reacts
Check that the child of (now) 'second' is also reachable
Check that the resource is not found at the old URI
386 INFO [ServerMessageDeliverer]: Did not find resource [A, AA, first] requested by /,406 - ( deliverRequest() in thread CoapServer#2 at (2017-01-30 05:16:27)
Check that the child of (now) 'second' is not reachable under 'first'
388 INFO [ServerMessageDeliverer]: Did not find resource [A, AA, first, child] requested by /,406 - ( deliverRequest() in thread CoapServer#4 at (2017-01-30 05:16:27)
 1 INFO [CoapServer]: Destroying server - ( destroy() in thread main at (2017-01-30 05:16:27)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Destroying endpoint at address coap:// - ( destroy() in thread main at (2017-01-30 05:16:27)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Stopping endpoint at address coap:// - ( stop() in thread main at (2017-01-30 05:16:27)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Destroying endpoint at address coap://localhost:0 - ( destroy() in thread main at (2017-01-30 05:16:27)
 1 INFO [CoapServer]: CoAP server has been destroyed - ( destroy() in thread main at (2017-01-30 05:16:27)
End ResourceTreeTest
 1 CONFIG [ReliabilityLayer]: ReliabilityLayer uses ACK_TIMEOUT=100, ACK_RANDOM_FACTOR=1.5, and ACK_TIMEOUT_SCALE=2 - ( <init>() in thread main at (2017-01-30 05:16:27)
 1 CONFIG [ReliabilityLayer]: ReliabilityLayer uses ACK_TIMEOUT=100, ACK_RANDOM_FACTOR=1.5, and ACK_TIMEOUT_SCALE=2 - ( <init>() in thread main at (2017-01-30 05:16:27)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Starting endpoint at coap://localhost:0 - ( start() in thread main at (2017-01-30 05:16:27)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Started endpoint at coap:// - ( start() in thread main at (2017-01-30 05:16:27)
 1 INFO [CoapServer]: Starting server - ( start() in thread main at (2017-01-30 05:16:27)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Starting endpoint at coap://localhost:0 - ( start() in thread main at (2017-01-30 05:16:27)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Started endpoint at coap:// - ( start() in thread main at (2017-01-30 05:16:27)
Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.018 sec - in org.eclipse.californium.core.test.ResourceTreeTest
Running org.eclipse.californium.core.test.MemoryLeakingHashMapTest
400 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,929 ==> req NON-POST   MID=  801, Token=09d3841e673ad5c4, OptionSet={"Uri-Path":"piggy", "Content-Format":"text/plain", "Block1":"(szx=0/16, m=true, num=0)", "Size1":20}, "123456789.123456" - ( receiveRequest() in thread CoapServer#1 at (2017-01-30 05:16:27)
400 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,929 <== res NON-2.31   MID=   23, Token=09d3841e673ad5c4, OptionSet={"Block1":"(szx=0/16, m=true, num=0)"}, no payload - ( sendResponse() in thread CoapServer#1 at (2017-01-30 05:16:27)
401 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,929 ==> req NON-POST   MID=  802, Token=09d3841e673ad5c4, OptionSet={"Uri-Path":"piggy", "Content-Format":"text/plain", "Block1":"(szx=0/16, m=false, num=1)"}, "789." - ( receiveRequest() in thread CoapServer#2 at (2017-01-30 05:16:27)
401 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,929 <== res NON-2.01   MID=   24, Token=09d3841e673ad5c4, OptionSet={"Content-Format":"text/plain", "Block2":"(szx=0/16, m=true, num=0)", "Block1":"(szx=0/16, m=false, num=1)", "Size2":40}, "123456789.123456" - ( sendResponse() in thread CoapServer#2 at (2017-01-30 05:16:27)
400 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,929 ==> req NON-POST   MID=  803, Token=09d3841e673ad5c4, OptionSet={"Uri-Path":"piggy", "Content-Format":"text/plain", "Block2":"(szx=0/16, m=false, num=1)"}, no payload - ( receiveRequest() in thread CoapServer#1 at (2017-01-30 05:16:27)
400 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,929 <== res NON-2.01   MID=   25, Token=09d3841e673ad5c4, OptionSet={"Content-Format":"text/plain", "Block2":"(szx=0/16, m=true, num=1)"}, "789.123456789.12" - ( sendResponse() in thread CoapServer#1 at (2017-01-30 05:16:27)
403 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,929 ==> req NON-POST   MID=  804, Token=09d3841e673ad5c4, OptionSet={"Uri-Path":"piggy", "Content-Format":"text/plain", "Block2":"(szx=0/16, m=false, num=2)"}, no payload - ( receiveRequest() in thread CoapServer#4 at (2017-01-30 05:16:27)
403 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,929 <== res NON-2.01   MID=   26, Token=09d3841e673ad5c4, OptionSet={"Content-Format":"text/plain", "Block2":"(szx=0/16, m=false, num=2)"}, "3456789." - ( sendResponse() in thread CoapServer#4 at (2017-01-30 05:16:27)
Wait until deduplicator should be empty (0.647 seconds)
Test observe relation with a reactive cancelation to coap://
405 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,929 ==> req CON-GET    MID=  805, Token=c8e2de5b9a484c57, OptionSet={"Observe":0, "Uri-Path":"piggy"}, no payload - ( receiveRequest() in thread CoapServer#6 at (2017-01-30 05:16:27)
405 INFO [CoapResource]: Successfully established observe relation between / and resource /piggy - ( addObserveRelation() in thread CoapServer#6 at (2017-01-30 05:16:27)
405 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,929 <== res ACK-2.05   MID=  805, Token=c8e2de5b9a484c57, OptionSet={"Observe":3, "Content-Format":"text/plain"}, "Hello observer" - ( sendResponse() in thread CoapServer#6 at (2017-01-30 05:16:27)
396 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,929 <== res NON-2.05   MID=   27, Token=c8e2de5b9a484c57, OptionSet={"Observe":4, "Content-Format":"text/plain"}, "Hello observer" - ( sendResponse() in thread pool-1-thread-1 at (2017-01-30 05:16:27)
396 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,929 <== res NON-2.05   MID=   28, Token=c8e2de5b9a484c57, OptionSet={"Observe":5, "Content-Format":"text/plain"}, "Hello observer" - ( sendResponse() in thread pool-1-thread-1 at (2017-01-30 05:16:28)
Wait until deduplicator should be empty (0.647 seconds)
396 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,929 <== res NON-2.05   MID=   29, Token=c8e2de5b9a484c57, OptionSet={"Observe":6, "Content-Format":"text/plain"}, "Hello observer" - ( sendResponse() in thread pool-1-thread-1 at (2017-01-30 05:16:28)
402 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,929 ==> emp RST        MID=   29 - ( receiveEmptyMessage() in thread CoapServer#3 at (2017-01-30 05:16:28)
400 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,929 ==> req CON-POST   MID=  806, Token=ce7f45fb75e49d07, OptionSet={"Uri-Path":"piggy", "Content-Format":"text/plain", "Block1":"(szx=0/16, m=true, num=0)", "Size1":20}, "123456789.123456" - ( receiveRequest() in thread CoapServer#1 at (2017-01-30 05:16:28)
400 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,929 <== res ACK-2.31   MID=  806, Token=ce7f45fb75e49d07, OptionSet={"Block1":"(szx=0/16, m=true, num=0)"}, no payload - ( sendResponse() in thread CoapServer#1 at (2017-01-30 05:16:28)
407 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,929 ==> req CON-POST   MID=  807, Token=ce7f45fb75e49d07, OptionSet={"Uri-Path":"piggy", "Content-Format":"text/plain", "Block1":"(szx=0/16, m=false, num=1)"}, "789." - ( receiveRequest() in thread CoapServer#8 at (2017-01-30 05:16:28)
407 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,929 <== res ACK-2.01   MID=  807, Token=ce7f45fb75e49d07, OptionSet={"Content-Format":"text/plain", "Block2":"(szx=0/16, m=true, num=0)", "Block1":"(szx=0/16, m=false, num=1)", "Size2":40}, "123456789.123456" - ( sendResponse() in thread CoapServer#8 at (2017-01-30 05:16:28)
401 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,929 ==> req CON-POST   MID=  808, Token=ce7f45fb75e49d07, OptionSet={"Uri-Path":"piggy", "Content-Format":"text/plain", "Block2":"(szx=0/16, m=false, num=1)"}, no payload - ( receiveRequest() in thread CoapServer#2 at (2017-01-30 05:16:28)
401 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,929 <== res ACK-2.01   MID=  808, Token=ce7f45fb75e49d07, OptionSet={"Content-Format":"text/plain", "Block2":"(szx=0/16, m=true, num=1)"}, "789.123456789.12" - ( sendResponse() in thread CoapServer#2 at (2017-01-30 05:16:28)
405 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,929 ==> req CON-POST   MID=  809, Token=ce7f45fb75e49d07, OptionSet={"Uri-Path":"piggy", "Content-Format":"text/plain", "Block2":"(szx=0/16, m=false, num=2)"}, no payload - ( receiveRequest() in thread CoapServer#6 at (2017-01-30 05:16:28)
405 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,929 <== res ACK-2.01   MID=  809, Token=ce7f45fb75e49d07, OptionSet={"Content-Format":"text/plain", "Block2":"(szx=0/16, m=false, num=2)"}, "3456789." - ( sendResponse() in thread CoapServer#6 at (2017-01-30 05:16:28)
Wait until deduplicator should be empty (0.647 seconds)
411 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,929 ==> req CON-GET    MID=  810, Token=7f40c30a1a5a5bcc, OptionSet={"Uri-Path":"separate"}, no payload - ( receiveRequest() in thread CoapServer#10 at (2017-01-30 05:16:29)
411 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,929 <== emp ACK        MID=  810 - ( sendEmptyMessage() in thread CoapServer#10 at (2017-01-30 05:16:29)
411 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,929 <== res CON-2.05   MID=   30, Token=7f40c30a1a5a5bcc, OptionSet={"Content-Format":"text/plain"}, "simple GET" - ( sendResponse() in thread CoapServer#10 at (2017-01-30 05:16:29)
Wait until deduplicator should be empty (0.647 seconds)
414 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,929 ==> emp ACK        MID=   30 - ( receiveEmptyMessage() in thread CoapServer#11 at (2017-01-30 05:16:29)
400 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,929 ==> req NON-GET    MID=  811, Token=68fb0a861343cf52, OptionSet={"Uri-Path":"piggy"}, no payload - ( receiveRequest() in thread CoapServer#1 at (2017-01-30 05:16:29)
400 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,929 <== res NON-2.05   MID=   31, Token=68fb0a861343cf52, OptionSet={"Content-Format":"text/plain"}, "simple NON GET" - ( sendResponse() in thread CoapServer#1 at (2017-01-30 05:16:29)
Wait until deduplicator should be empty (0.647 seconds)
416 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,929 ==> req CON-GET    MID=  812, Token=34d2de441b465b52, OptionSet={"Observe":0, "Uri-Path":"piggy"}, no payload - ( receiveRequest() in thread CoapServer#13 at (2017-01-30 05:16:30)
416 INFO [CoapResource]: Successfully established observe relation between / and resource /piggy - ( addObserveRelation() in thread CoapServer#13 at (2017-01-30 05:16:30)
416 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,929 <== res ACK-2.05   MID=  812, Token=34d2de441b465b52, OptionSet={"Observe":18, "Content-Format":"text/plain", "Block2":"(szx=0/16, m=true, num=0)", "Size2":40}, "123456789.123456" - ( sendResponse() in thread CoapServer#13 at (2017-01-30 05:16:30)
418 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,929 ==> req CON-GET    MID=  813, Token=3b55934490fb2d04, OptionSet={"Uri-Path":"piggy", "Block2":"(szx=0/16, m=false, num=1)"}, no payload - ( receiveRequest() in thread CoapServer#15 at (2017-01-30 05:16:30)
418 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,929 <== res ACK-2.05   MID=  813, Token=3b55934490fb2d04, OptionSet={"Content-Format":"text/plain", "Block2":"(szx=0/16, m=true, num=1)"}, "789.123456789.12" - ( sendResponse() in thread CoapServer#15 at (2017-01-30 05:16:30)
410 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,929 ==> req CON-GET    MID=  814, Token=3b55934490fb2d04, OptionSet={"Uri-Path":"piggy", "Block2":"(szx=0/16, m=false, num=2)"}, no payload - ( receiveRequest() in thread CoapServer#9 at (2017-01-30 05:16:30)
410 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,929 <== res ACK-2.05   MID=  814, Token=3b55934490fb2d04, OptionSet={"Content-Format":"text/plain", "Block2":"(szx=0/16, m=false, num=2)"}, "3456789." - ( sendResponse() in thread CoapServer#9 at (2017-01-30 05:16:30)
396 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,929 <== res NON-2.05   MID=   32, Token=34d2de441b465b52, OptionSet={"Observe":19, "Content-Format":"text/plain", "Block2":"(szx=0/16, m=true, num=0)", "Size2":40}, "123456789.123456" - ( sendResponse() in thread pool-1-thread-1 at (2017-01-30 05:16:30)
401 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,929 ==> req CON-GET    MID=  815, Token=c156614b348f2877, OptionSet={"Uri-Path":"piggy", "Block2":"(szx=0/16, m=false, num=1)"}, no payload - ( receiveRequest() in thread CoapServer#2 at (2017-01-30 05:16:30)
401 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,929 <== res ACK-2.05   MID=  815, Token=c156614b348f2877, OptionSet={"Content-Format":"text/plain", "Block2":"(szx=0/16, m=true, num=1)"}, "789.123456789.12" - ( sendResponse() in thread CoapServer#2 at (2017-01-30 05:16:30)
420 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,929 ==> req CON-GET    MID=  816, Token=c156614b348f2877, OptionSet={"Uri-Path":"piggy", "Block2":"(szx=0/16, m=false, num=2)"}, no payload - ( receiveRequest() in thread CoapServer#17 at (2017-01-30 05:16:30)
420 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,929 <== res ACK-2.05   MID=  816, Token=c156614b348f2877, OptionSet={"Content-Format":"text/plain", "Block2":"(szx=0/16, m=false, num=2)"}, "3456789." - ( sendResponse() in thread CoapServer#17 at (2017-01-30 05:16:30)
396 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,929 <== res NON-2.05   MID=   33, Token=34d2de441b465b52, OptionSet={"Observe":20, "Content-Format":"text/plain", "Block2":"(szx=0/16, m=true, num=0)", "Size2":40}, "123456789.123456" - ( sendResponse() in thread pool-1-thread-1 at (2017-01-30 05:16:31)
402 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,929 ==> req CON-GET    MID=  817, Token=60039e303eef8725, OptionSet={"Uri-Path":"piggy", "Block2":"(szx=0/16, m=false, num=1)"}, no payload - ( receiveRequest() in thread CoapServer#3 at (2017-01-30 05:16:31)
402 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,929 <== res ACK-2.05   MID=  817, Token=60039e303eef8725, OptionSet={"Content-Format":"text/plain", "Block2":"(szx=0/16, m=true, num=1)"}, "789.123456789.12" - ( sendResponse() in thread CoapServer#3 at (2017-01-30 05:16:31)
424 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,929 ==> req CON-GET    MID=  818, Token=60039e303eef8725, OptionSet={"Uri-Path":"piggy", "Block2":"(szx=0/16, m=false, num=2)"}, no payload - ( receiveRequest() in thread CoapServer#19 at (2017-01-30 05:16:31)
424 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,929 <== res ACK-2.05   MID=  818, Token=60039e303eef8725, OptionSet={"Content-Format":"text/plain", "Block2":"(szx=0/16, m=false, num=2)"}, "3456789." - ( sendResponse() in thread CoapServer#19 at (2017-01-30 05:16:31)
425 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,929 ==> req CON-GET    MID=  819, Token=34d2de441b465b52, OptionSet={"Observe":1, "Uri-Path":"piggy"}, no payload - ( receiveRequest() in thread CoapServer#20 at (2017-01-30 05:16:31)
425 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,929 <== res ACK-2.05   MID=  819, Token=34d2de441b465b52, OptionSet={"Content-Format":"text/plain", "Block2":"(szx=0/16, m=true, num=0)", "Size2":40}, "123456789.123456" - ( sendResponse() in thread CoapServer#20 at (2017-01-30 05:16:31)
415 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,929 ==> req CON-GET    MID=  820, Token=34d2de441b465b52, OptionSet={"Uri-Path":"piggy", "Block2":"(szx=0/16, m=false, num=1)"}, no payload - ( receiveRequest() in thread CoapServer#12 at (2017-01-30 05:16:31)
415 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,929 <== res ACK-2.05   MID=  820, Token=34d2de441b465b52, OptionSet={"Content-Format":"text/plain", "Block2":"(szx=0/16, m=true, num=1)"}, "789.123456789.12" - ( sendResponse() in thread CoapServer#12 at (2017-01-30 05:16:31)
403 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,929 ==> req CON-GET    MID=  821, Token=34d2de441b465b52, OptionSet={"Uri-Path":"piggy", "Block2":"(szx=0/16, m=false, num=2)"}, no payload - ( receiveRequest() in thread CoapServer#4 at (2017-01-30 05:16:31)
403 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,929 <== res ACK-2.05   MID=  821, Token=34d2de441b465b52, OptionSet={"Content-Format":"text/plain", "Block2":"(szx=0/16, m=false, num=2)"}, "3456789." - ( sendResponse() in thread CoapServer#4 at (2017-01-30 05:16:31)
Wait until deduplicator should be empty (0.647 seconds)
400 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,929 ==> req CON-GET    MID=  822, Token=b6a5a205ba5ca700, OptionSet={"Observe":0, "Uri-Path":"piggy"}, no payload - ( receiveRequest() in thread CoapServer#1 at (2017-01-30 05:16:31)
400 INFO [CoapResource]: Successfully established observe relation between / and resource /piggy - ( addObserveRelation() in thread CoapServer#1 at (2017-01-30 05:16:31)
400 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,929 <== res ACK-2.05   MID=  822, Token=b6a5a205ba5ca700, OptionSet={"Observe":23, "Content-Format":"text/plain"}, "Hello observer" - ( sendResponse() in thread CoapServer#1 at (2017-01-30 05:16:31)
396 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,929 <== res NON-2.05   MID=   34, Token=b6a5a205ba5ca700, OptionSet={"Observe":24, "Content-Format":"text/plain"}, "Hello observer" - ( sendResponse() in thread pool-1-thread-1 at (2017-01-30 05:16:31)
396 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,929 <== res NON-2.05   MID=   35, Token=b6a5a205ba5ca700, OptionSet={"Observe":25, "Content-Format":"text/plain"}, "Hello observer" - ( sendResponse() in thread pool-1-thread-1 at (2017-01-30 05:16:32)
431 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,929 ==> req CON-GET    MID=  823, Token=b6a5a205ba5ca700, OptionSet={"Observe":1, "Uri-Path":"piggy"}, no payload - ( receiveRequest() in thread CoapServer#22 at (2017-01-30 05:16:32)
431 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,929 <== res ACK-2.05   MID=  823, Token=b6a5a205ba5ca700, OptionSet={"Content-Format":"text/plain"}, "Hello observer" - ( sendResponse() in thread CoapServer#22 at (2017-01-30 05:16:32)
Wait until deduplicator should be empty (0.647 seconds)
416 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,929 ==> req CON-GET    MID=  824, Token=ab0958b3fe5b03f7, OptionSet={"Uri-Path":"piggy"}, no payload - ( receiveRequest() in thread CoapServer#13 at (2017-01-30 05:16:32)
416 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,929 <== res ACK-2.05   MID=  824, Token=ab0958b3fe5b03f7, OptionSet={"Content-Format":"text/plain"}, "simple GET" - ( sendResponse() in thread CoapServer#13 at (2017-01-30 05:16:32)
Wait until deduplicator should be empty (0.647 seconds)
433 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,929 ==> req CON-POST   MID=  825, Token=b82e1c23a6872798, OptionSet={"Uri-Path":"separate", "Content-Format":"text/plain", "Block1":"(szx=0/16, m=true, num=0)", "Size1":20}, "123456789.123456" - ( receiveRequest() in thread CoapServer#24 at (2017-01-30 05:16:33)
433 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,929 <== res ACK-2.31   MID=  825, Token=b82e1c23a6872798, OptionSet={"Block1":"(szx=0/16, m=true, num=0)"}, no payload - ( sendResponse() in thread CoapServer#24 at (2017-01-30 05:16:33)
419 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,929 ==> req CON-POST   MID=  826, Token=b82e1c23a6872798, OptionSet={"Uri-Path":"separate", "Content-Format":"text/plain", "Block1":"(szx=0/16, m=false, num=1)"}, "789." - ( receiveRequest() in thread CoapServer#16 at (2017-01-30 05:16:33)
419 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,929 <== emp ACK        MID=  826 - ( sendEmptyMessage() in thread CoapServer#16 at (2017-01-30 05:16:33)
419 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,929 <== res ACK-2.01   MID=  826, Token=b82e1c23a6872798, OptionSet={"Content-Format":"text/plain", "Block2":"(szx=0/16, m=true, num=0)", "Block1":"(szx=0/16, m=false, num=1)", "Size2":40}, "123456789.123456" - ( sendResponse() in thread CoapServer#16 at (2017-01-30 05:16:33)
406 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,929 ==> req CON-POST   MID=  827, Token=b82e1c23a6872798, OptionSet={"Uri-Path":"separate", "Content-Format":"text/plain", "Block2":"(szx=0/16, m=false, num=1)"}, no payload - ( receiveRequest() in thread CoapServer#7 at (2017-01-30 05:16:33)
406 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,929 <== res ACK-2.01   MID=  827, Token=b82e1c23a6872798, OptionSet={"Content-Format":"text/plain", "Block2":"(szx=0/16, m=true, num=1)"}, "789.123456789.12" - ( sendResponse() in thread CoapServer#7 at (2017-01-30 05:16:33)
405 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,929 ==> req CON-POST   MID=  828, Token=b82e1c23a6872798, OptionSet={"Uri-Path":"separate", "Content-Format":"text/plain", "Block2":"(szx=0/16, m=false, num=2)"}, no payload - ( receiveRequest() in thread CoapServer#6 at (2017-01-30 05:16:33)
405 INFO [MessageTracer]: /,929 <== res ACK-2.01   MID=  828, Token=b82e1c23a6872798, OptionSet={"Content-Format":"text/plain", "Block2":"(szx=0/16, m=false, num=2)"}, "3456789." - ( sendResponse() in thread CoapServer#6 at (2017-01-30 05:16:33)
Wait until deduplicator should be empty (0.647 seconds)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Stopping endpoint at address coap:// - ( stop() in thread main at (2017-01-30 05:16:33)
 1 INFO [CoapServer]: Destroying server - ( destroy() in thread main at (2017-01-30 05:16:33)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Destroying endpoint at address coap:// - ( destroy() in thread main at (2017-01-30 05:16:33)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Stopping endpoint at address coap:// - ( stop() in thread main at (2017-01-30 05:16:33)
 1 INFO [CoapEndpoint]: Destroying endpoint at address coap://localhost:0 - ( destroy() in thread main at (2017-01-30 05:16:34)
 1 INFO [CoapServer]: CoAP server has been destroyed - ( destroy() in thread main at (2017-01-30 05:16:34)
Tests run: 9, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 7.972 sec - in org.eclipse.californium.core.test.MemoryLeakingHashMapTest

Results :

Failed tests: 
  ObserveServerSideTest.testEstablishmentAndTimeoutWithUpdateInMiddle:208 Did not receive a message (but nothing)

Tests run: 64, Failures: 1, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] Californium (Cf) Parent ............................ SUCCESS [  2.342 s]
[INFO] Californium (Cf) Demo Certificates ................. SUCCESS [  2.444 s]
[INFO] element-connector .................................. SUCCESS [01:11 min]
[INFO] Scandium (Sc) Core ................................. SUCCESS [ 11.589 s]
[INFO] Californium (Cf) Core .............................. FAILURE [ 26.942 s]
[INFO] Californium (Cf) Proxy ............................. SKIPPED
[INFO] Californium (Cf) OSGi Bundle ....................... SKIPPED
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 01:58 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2017-01-30T05:16:35-05:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 37M/1934M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] o.h.m.e.h.MavenExecutionResultHandler - Build failed with exception(s)
[INFO] o.h.m.e.h.MavenExecutionResultHandler - [1] org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.18.1:test (medium-tests) on project californium-core: There are test failures.

Please refer to /jobs/genie.californium/2.0.x-nightly/workspace/californium-core/target/surefire-reports for the individual test results.
[DEBUG] Closing connection to remote
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.18.1:test (medium-tests) on project californium-core: There are test failures.
[ERROR] Please refer to /jobs/genie.californium/2.0.x-nightly/workspace/californium-core/target/surefire-reports for the individual test results.
[ERROR] -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]
[ERROR] After correcting the problems, you can resume the build with the command
[ERROR]   mvn <goals> -rf :californium-core
[DEBUG] Waiting for process to finish
[DEBUG] Result: 1
Recording test results

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