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[cf-dev] Multicast Device Discovery

Hello all,


I’m trying to use Californium to discover CoAP Devices on an IPv6 Network.  I am able to send multicast commands via IP ff02::1. The devices each respond in turn:


22:50:08.262157 IP6 fe80::290:e8ff:fe53:37a7.37269 > ip6-allnodes.5683: UDP, length 24

22:50:08.276986 IP6 fe80::5610:ecff:fe1c:2038.5683 > fe80::290:e8ff:fe53:37a7.37269: UDP, length 180

22:50:08.277071 IP6 fe80::5610:ecff:fe1c:2030.5683 > fe80::290:e8ff:fe53:37a7.37269: UDP, length 180

22:50:08.277097 IP6 fe80::5610:ecff:fe1c:1fe7.5683 > fe80::290:e8ff:fe53:37a7.37269: UDP, length 180


Unfortunately, it seems that Californium is matching the responses to the request at a 1:1 ratio and dumping the remaining responses…


10 FINE [Matcher]: Closed open request with KeyMID[54042 for null:0] - ( receiveResponse() in thread Thread-3 at (2017-01-26 22:53:45)

10 FINEST [ReliabilityLayer]: Cancel any retransmission - ( receiveResponse() in thread Thread-3 at (2017-01-26 22:53:45)

GOT RESPONSE!!!! ACK-2.05   MID=54042, Token=93be4f31377632ed, OptionSet={"Content-Format":"application/json"},

10 INFO [Matcher]: Ignoring unmatchable piggy-backed response from /fe80:0:0:0:5610:ecff:fe1c:2030%3:5683: ACK-2.05   MID=54042, Token=93be4f31377632ed, OptionSet={"Content-Format":"application/json"}, .. 165 bytes - ( receiveResponse() in thread Thread-3 at (2017-01-26 22:53:45)

10 INFO [Matcher]: Ignoring unmatchable piggy-backed response from /fe80:0:0:0:5610:ecff:fe1c:1fe7%3:5683: ACK-2.05   MID=54042, Token=93be4f31377632ed, OptionSet={"Content-Format":"application/json"},.. 165 bytes - ( receiveResponse() in thread Thread-3 at (2017-01-26 22:53:45)


Is there a way to properly configure the request to ensure that the multiple responses are delivered ?



I have tried many different iterations, starting with a simple CoapClient and async handler. Most recent implementation was attempting to use a Request, and waitForResponse to try to read the various responses.


                                Request req = Request.newGet();





                                try {

                                                Response rep = req.send().waitForResponse(4000);

                                                System.out.println("GOT RESPONSE!!!! " +rep.toString());


                                                while ((rep = req.waitForResponse(4000)) != null)


                                                                System.out.println("GOT RESPONSE!!!! " +rep.toString());


                                } catch (InterruptedException e) {

                                                // TODO Auto-generated catch block




Thanks in advance. I look forward to your response.





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